Denise's Message

Dear Families,


Over the past week, we have seen tragic events unfold both overseas and here in Australia. What is happening in Ukraine is extremely sad and disturbing and difficult to watch and hear about. I ask you to carefully consider what your children are hearing and seeing, as watching a war unfold on live television can be very confronting and upsetting. It is important however that if our children ask questions about such events we try and answer them as best we can. 

We have also seen tragic events in Southern Queensland and Northern New South Wales where unprecedented flooding has occurred, causing the loss of life and the destruction of many homes, farms, businesses, and infrastructure. Many people are now homeless with no belongings.

People in both of these places are experiencing terrible sadness and despair and it is important we continue to keep them in our prayers. We pray that peace and respect for the dignity of all people will return quickly in Ukraine and we pray that safety, support and hope will be afforded to the people affected by the floods.


Closure Days



At our Staff Conference, we will be completing the Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) training. We started this in 2019 and were due to complete it in 2020, this was sadly put off due to COVID.  Berry St is a well known organisation and the BSEM is designed to assist teachers in meeting the educational needs of all children and in the process, offer hope and healing for children as well for those who care for and teach them. BSEM provides us with strategies that will enable us to continue creating learning environments where children flourish,  where all are held accountable to high expectations, and where the differentiated needs of each child are met. BSEM provides teachers with strategies that empower teachers to teach and children to get excited about learning. 

I look forward to providing you with more information after the conference is held.

Vacation care is available if required, please contact Susan or YLV to make a booking.


Ash Wednesday


Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent and yesterday our Yr 3-6 children attended mass in the morning and our Prep-Yr 2 children attended a prayer service after lunch. At these times Fr Nicholas placed a cross mark on our foreheads with Ashes made from the palm leaves from Easter 2021. Lent marks the 40 days before Easter and recalls the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness fasting and praying before he began his ministry of preaching God's message to the people of his time. During Lent, we are encouraged to Pray, Fast, and Give Alms. By praying we can deepen our relationship with God, when Fasting we can give up some luxuries as a way of being in solidarity with the poor, in doing this we honour the sacrifice of Jesus and Almsgiving is when we think of those less fortunate and do acts of charity that will help grow in our relationship with God.  

Our children participated in both ceremonies with great reverence and respect, I also thank all the family members and parishioners who came along and joined with us to mark Ash Wednesday.


Parents and Friends Gathering

On Thursday morning we had a wonderful gathering of parents who willingly gave of their time to come in and meet with our Community Liaison Leaders, Fiona and Sarah to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and chat about how we can organise family fun events while along the way do some fundraising. They have come up with some great ideas for events and fundraising for Term 1. You will receive information about these shortly and I encourage you to help out when and where you can and of course to get involved in helping to strengthen our community.



An enormous thank you to all families for assisting us in following the current COVID-19 safety strategies within our school and for keeping children at home when they are unwell. As you would be aware we have had a few cases of COVID-19 over the past weeks but nothing like what some other school communities are experiencing.  Thank you for continuing to RAPID test your child twice a week. I will keep you informed of any changes to COVID-19 safe procedures as soon as I am able to inform.


Denise Hussey 



'The most simple thing I can do is to be good today but better tomorrow'

Catherine McAuley - Mercy Sisters Foundress



All students attending St Michael's Primary School have the right to feel safe. The care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a fundamental responsibility of all within our school.