From the Head of Secondary's Desk

Finding your Brave

Dear Parents/Guardians


In every Heatherton Christian College child (and every human), we see someone created by God and in the beautiful image of God. Someone who was thought of before the world began and for whom Jesus, in love for them, laid down his life and called them to be a light to the world by reflecting His light in their life. The great truth in knowing who we are gives us a stature for “Finding our Brave”. This is the theme for our Wellbeing Week (18 March – 1 April).


The apostle Paul reminds us in 2 Timothy 1:7, why as Christian, we can be Brave. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and of a sound mind.” 


From this verse “Finding your Brave” can be done since:

  1. God has Given… It is not our own strength that we rely on, but God’s, and it is not something we have to earn or strive for but a gift we have.
  2. His Spirit in us is one of Power – not weak or empty
  3. His Spirit in us is one of Love – the motive is pure
  4. His Spirit in us is one of Sound Mind – able to be relied upon for clarity of thinking, bringing peace to overcome anxiety and confidence in its wisdom. 

While his Spirit is a gift given to all who come to believe in Jesus as their Saviour, the verse before this says we have a role to play which is to “fan into flame the gift you’ve been given.” As parents and staff we seek to model this and to encourage and give opportunity for our children/students to “fan into flame” the gift of Christ’s Spirit living in them, so that they may “find their brave,” a brave not based upon personal strengths and abilities or reliant on ego, but starts with who they are, as created by God, from which they then bravely develop strengths and abilities to shine, “that the world may see your good works and glorify your Father” (Matthew 5:16).


On Saturday 2 April, we are excited that twenty-two of our Year 11 students, will be "Finding their Brave" as they finally get to head to YWAM Townsville (after last year’s Mission Trip was postponed due to COVID lockdowns), where they will seek to deepen their relationship with Christ and prepare for serving in two outreach communities. They will return to Melbourne on Wednesday 13 April. This is often a significant trip for our students. Your prayers for a safe and successful trip would be cherished. (The photo above: HCC students with the Palm Island community at 2021 YWAM Mission Trip.)


Darren John

Head of Secondary