Wellbeing News

Year 9 Opportunity - School For Student Leadership
This year 6 of our Year 9 students have the opportunity to attend the School for Student Leadership Don Valley Campus in Term 2. The program is a live in school experience at a Department of Education facility. 3 boys and 3 girls who apply will be selected to attend.The experience entails living at the Don Valley Campus and attending their school program for 8 weeks during Term 2. There is one visiting weekend for parents during the term. This is a unique experience where students will engage in project based learning and a range of outdoor activities. Attached is a letter outlining some of the program. This letter was distributed to students who indicated an interest in the program. On the day we introduced the program some students were at Intermediate Sport and we wanted to make all students aware of the program. If your student is interested they need to return the signed Expression of Interest by Friday this week. If you need more information you can access the School for Student Leadership website. Simply do a google search for School for Student Leadership. Please note that as Don Valley Campus has been recently built it does not have it's own website. The websites for the other 3 campuses will provide information.
Doctors in Secondary Schools
Please be aware that the Doctors in School Program is available again. The doctors are available for appointments each Thursday between 10.00am and 2.00pm. To make an appointment for your student at Dandenong High School, contact the General Office. Students can also speak to a member of their House Leadership Team who can also arrange an appointment for them.
The Doctors in School Program can also provide Pfizer Covid injections in the time they are here. If you would like your student to receive the vaccination through the doctor, please contact the General Office and speak with Di Franklin.