From the Principal

A Smooth Start to the Year…
Term 1 has started incredibly smoothly, despite initial uncertainties and I would like to thank all our families for their ongoing support. It has been fantastic to welcome students back to learning onsite and finally meeting families again at School-based events. A real highlight for me has been the conversations with parents at the Year 7 ‘Meet and Greet’ afternoon in Week 4. The ice-cream was great too.
Our students in all year levels have begun the year with enthusiasm, energised and ready to engage in their learning. As I have walked around the school in recent weeks, I have observed learning experiences that are dynamic, focused and the behaviour in all classrooms has been excellent. I would like to congratulate all students for beginning the year with such a positive attitude and encourage them to maintain momentum.
Another milestone in Term 1 is the appointment of the Year 12 Student Leaders and Student Representative Council for 2022. The successful Student Leadership team will be presented with their badges at our assembly on Friday 1st April and I look forward to working with them in the year ahead.
I also wish the Class of 2021 every success as they begin their tertiary studies, apprenticeship in a range of trades or employment in the coming weeks. The improvement in our results last year and our destination data is outstanding, with more students enrolling in university courses than previous years. Congratulations to them all and their families.
Mrs Susan Ogden