Principal's Message

Anthony Jackson (Acting Principal)

Dear Families,


Issue Highlights


Please find below a summary of this week's issue:

  • Jackson Learner - we have aligned the 8 "Employability Skills" to our school values to ensure that all of our students will be as ready as possible for the world of work when they leave Jackson in Year 12.
  • School Council have now ratified our 2022 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP). In 2022 we aim to improve students' learning and wellbeing outcomes. 
  • This Thursday we were visited by the DET Regional Director for South-West Victoria and the DET Area Executive Director for Brimbank-Melton.
  • Thank you for using you free rapid antigen tests to keep our community safe. Daily testing is strongly recommended for students and staff in specialist school settings. The government have announced that daily rapid antigen testing will continue for the remainder of Term 1. 
  • School Council Elections - We are looking for new parent/carer or community members. If you're interested please complete the form below and hand into the office
  • On Friday 25th March we will have a whole school assembly for Harmony Week and the Fun Run. We encourage students to dress up in the colours of their country or background on this day.
  • Our thoughts and best wishes go out to all members of our community who are affected by the events happening between Russian and the Ukraine.
  • Student of the Week - in line with our new PBIS rewards system.
  • Showcase of students' learning from across the school in Primary and Secondary.
  • Allied Health and Wellbeing information to support you and your child.
  • Community news including from Jackson OSHC provider TheirCare.

Jackson Learner


This year we have made some improvements to our School-Wide Positive Behaviour, Interventions and Supports (PBIS). These are now aligned to all of our school values:

In addition to the expectations and skills we have taught our students since we introduced PBIS in 2014, we have also included the 8 Employability Skills to ensure that all of our students will be as ready as possible for the world of work when they leave Jackson in Year 12. These are included in the posters displayed around our school.

  1. Learning
  2. Teamwork / Collaboration
  3. Communication
  4. Technology
  5. Self-Awareness & Management
  6. Planning & Organising 
  7. Problem Solving
  8. Initiative & Enterprise


Students can now earn rewards to save up money to spend on individual, team or class prizes or events from their online (PBIS Rewards) or class shops. Our PBIS tickets are now each worth $1 (not real money) to help our students understand the value of earning money for displaying our values and expectations. 

Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)


School Council have now ratified our 2022 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP). In 2022 we aim to improve students' learning and wellbeing outcomes. We will focus on: improving students' writing skills based upon authentic real-world experiences (including using IT skills), improving student's sense of belonging and connectedness to school (including attendance), and improving students' mental health, fitness and social-emotional wellbeing (including cyber safety) following the impact of the last two years. Please find a summary of the actions we will undertake as a school this year:


To download the full version of our 2022 AIP, please click below:

Regional Director & Area Executive Director Visit


This Thursday we were visited by the DET Regional Director for South-West Victoria and the DET Area Executive Director for Brimbank-Melton. They visited classrooms and observed teachers and education support staff engaging our students in their learning. They were very impressed by the opportunities we create for our students at Jackson to develop them for their future careers. We also discussed some of the state-wide, even global, issues that schools have faced as we return from 2 years of lockdowns and return to our COVID normal lives. They are too looking forward to seeing our school when our $11 million school redevelopment is complete.



COVID-19 Update


DET will continue to supply free RATs for staff and student until the end of Term 1, although this will be monitored and may end early if recommended by health advice. These will continue to be sent home in student's school bags. If you do not wish for your child to receive your weekly pack of RATs please notify the office. 


Testing 5 times a week (school days) continues to be strongly recommended for students and staff at our school. This is because of the greater risk associated with COVID-19 for some students with disabilities. Testing will be conducted at home, and students and staff must report any positive result. There is no requirement to report a negative result.


After doing the tests at home each morning, if it is positive, you will need to:

  1. let the school know on the via the Jackson COVID Hotline 03 9366 4322; Option 4 and/or dedicated email address There is a message bank on the phone for when the phone is unmanned by our rostered COVID Officer. Families are able to message the mobile number and/or email address 24 hours a day. Please note we will only be able to respond to messages and calls within office hours.
  2. keep your child at home for 7 days 
  3. contact the Department of Health via the COVID-19 Positive Rapid Antigen Test Self-Reporting Form or call centre on 1800 675 398.

Schools are no longer required to individually identify the close contacts of a positive case. Instead, we will inform the school community, at the earliest opportunity, that there was a positive case onsite, all members of the school community should monitor closely for symptoms and that staff and students should continue with daily rapid antigen testing before school. School will continue to notify the community if we have a positive case onsite by Text Message (SMS).

School Council Nominations


We are looking for new members to join our school council, in the following categories:

  • 4 Parent Members
  • 1 Optional Community Member
  • 2 Elected Student Members (usually our School Captain and Vice-Captain)

For more information please download Form 1 Notice of first school council election and call for nominations (formerly Schedule 3):


School Council meets at 6:30pm on the third Tuesday of each month. The meetings typically last between 1.5 and 2 hours. With the COVID restrictions we have been meeting virtually through Webex/Microsoft Teams. 


If you are interested in joining our School Council please complete the Form 3 below and hand into the school office. 


Download Form 3: Self-nomination form for parent member category 



Harmony Week


From Monday 21st to 25th March, Jackson School will be celebrating Harmony Week. The theme of this year is "Everyone Belongs". During Harmony Week we will celebrate the diversity within our community to recognise that does everyone belong. At Jackson we have a rich ethnic mix of families from a wide variety of backgrounds from all over the world, as well as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. Around 20% of our student population speak English as an Additional Language with over 20 different languages within our community. 13% of students were born in countries other than Australia. During this week our students will take part in activities to respect our different cultures. On Friday 25th March we will have our Fun Run and a whole school assembly. We encourage students to dress up in the colours of their country or background on this day. Your child's teacher will be in touch nearer the time to outline other exciting activities planned.



We understand our school community may be affected by what is happening in Ukraine.

This time will be particularly distressing for staff, students, parents and carers who have family in Ukraine, and those with connections to Ukraine and Russia. Students with history of trauma, including students from a refugee background, may find what is happening particularly distressing. Some members of our community will have watched footage from Ukraine and may be upset by the images. On behalf of our whole community, I would also like to offer our thoughts and best wishes to all members of our community who are affected. 


Stay safe,

