News from our Classrooms

Students of the week

Week 11 SOW
Week 11 SOW

Congratulations to our Students of the Week:

FLW - Jeevan, who always takes great care with the way his written work is presented. 

1/2BA - Julius, for being a great self manager by staying focussed on his learning tasks and trying his hardest to follow the agreed ways at all times.

1/2SC - Leon, for his great effort in mathematics. Leon is great at telling the time! 

1/2VC - Gemma, for being persistent in completing her PowerPoint on Covid-19. 

3/4BF - Genevieve, for showing a great understanding of 2D shapes by identifying their properties. 

3/4GT - Catherine, for her excellent work in Maths describing 2D and 3D shapes by their geometric properties.

3/4KD - Sarah, for showing the disposition of self-management through her responsible and organised approach to all in-class and remote learning tasks. 

5/6CJ - Nicholas, for his conscientious manner in applying himself towards his learning, both at school and during remote learning.

5/6MM - Anthony, for effectively collaborating with others during Inquiry sessions and  displaying excellent self managing skills during remote learning. 

5/6OS - Luana, for her consistent efforts during remote learning and always trying her best. 


Maths Awards
Maths Awards

Maths awards

Congratulations also to the following students who have shown great attitude towards challenging themselves with the Maths Olympiad: Scarlett, Maggie, Mary, Harry, Wil, Maya and Lachlan


Foundation News

It is hard to believe, but we are at the end of Term 2. What an interesting, challenging and different term it has been in Foundation LW.


Congratulations to the students for showing great enthusiasm, persistence and resilience when faced with many challenges throughout the term.

This week in STEM with Mr. Frazzetto we are looking forward to coding using the iPad. Each child will be given the opportunity to use the iPad to code their own Animal orchestra sounds for the sequence they have planned. 


FLW enjoying the Year 5/6 Whole School Prayer on Google Meets
FLW enjoying the Year 5/6 Whole School Prayer on Google Meets

We really enjoy the whole school prayer each Friday and I have included a photo of us all.


Wishing everyone in Foundation LW a safe and enjoyable holiday break and I look forward to seeing you all again for Term 3. 


Leanne Wenckowski

Year 1/2 News

The Grade 1/2 students have done a lot of learning over the past week! We have been learning more about our visitor every day. We have continued to find out about the Australian dairy industry, its products, farming practices and manufacturing processes. Learning about our Picasso Cow has encouraged the development of the 1/2 students' ideas through lots of investigating and wondering!


In Literacy, we have been learning about persuasive texts.  We have discussed a number of topics, for example, "Should we wear hats outside?" and "Should homework be banned?". Our students have certainly come up with persuasive responses, and we look forward to seeing them come up with their own topic in the coming week!


In Maths, we have begun learning about clocks. Our 1/2 students made their own clocks this week and practised telling the time. We are so excited to learn more about telling time during the week!  


Enjoy your last week of term. 

We hope that you all have a safe and restful break!

Stefanie Carriera, Viviana Clarke and Bridget Atkin

Year 3/4 News

As we head towards the start of the June/July school holidays we are reminded of what a challenging term this has been.  We have come to the end of what has been a rather interesting term for all of us. Our students are to be congratulated for showing persistence and resilience and self-managing their own learning and our parents are to be praised for their ongoing support. We did it and we did it together so thank you everyone! 


We look forward to seeing you all back at school, safe and well, in Term Three. 

Have a wonderful holiday!

Katarina Davidson, Graham Troy and Belinda Filippone

Year 5/6 News

The Year 5/6 students have continued to work well this week. The students have continued to collaborate with one another while working on their news report about the event of Federation. Each group will present their findings to the class later in the week. 


In Literacy, the students have focussed on the concepts of inferencing and editing. They have read a variety of texts and then been asked to make inferences about what they believe has happened in the text. While editing, the students have been encouraged to really take their time and correct errors or change words for the writing to make sense. 


Tomorrow, the three Year 5/6 classes will participate in a whole day Mathematics Games event. The students will be actively involved in three activities that include Outdoor Physical Maths, Strategy Games and Problem Solving. We look forward to watching the students work together and have fun while working with their Mathematical skills. Thank you to Mrs Monaghan for organising this day for us. Students are asked to wear their PE uniform for this day.


All Year 5/6 teachers would like to thank and congratulate all of the students for their efforts this term. It has certainly been a different one, however we have all learnt a great deal about ourselves and how resilient we are. We would also like to thank all of the parents for your support during this term, it really is appreciated.


We wish everyone a safe and restful holiday break,

Mark MacGregor, Olivia Sargent, Michelle Casamento and Michael Jennings