getting physic-al

reactions in real life

Tamara Brennan
Tamara Brennan

Tamara Brennan

Teacher - Physics


Year 10 Science at BSC includes a unit of work on kinematics, a branch of Physics. Students complete a practical investigation on driver reaction times to give them an insight into the real life application of their study. This involves each student sitting in a virtual driver’s seat while their classmates collect data measuring their braking reaction time to a stimulus both with and without distractions.


During this exercise, students are distracted by texting, phone calls and rogue passengers, much like what they’ll encounter when they begin driving on our roads in the coming years. The students took their observations and analysed their data.  


Using scientific calculations based on  how far a car can travel before it begins to slow down,  they could conclude that distraction substantially increase the distance a car travel before coming to a stop. This provoked quality discussion among students and demonstrated the absolute relevance of physics to daily life. 


Coupled with a TAC advertisement following a similar theme, students leave the classroom with a deeper and respect appreciation for road safety and behaving  as a responsible vehicle driver and passenger.



Harry Nguyen
Harry Nguyen

Harry Nguyen

Year 10

This experiment tested our reaction time . I have learned that when you are in the car you shouldn't have things that will distract you  easily. Once you take your eyes off the road, in a matter of seconds, you could crash.​


Sarah Poskus
Sarah Poskus

Sarah Poskus

Year  10

This experiment showed us  the force and time it takes to brake in a car.  It also showed how easy it is to get distracted by an object while driving. 


imogen Williams
imogen Williams

Imogen Williams

Year 10

I learned that when you are paying attention your reaction time is quick, whereas when distracted your reaction time is slow. When driving , your reaction time could cost you your life or that of someone else.  It was interesting to use the rules of physics to  calculate the results of  irresponsible driving. 


Cindy Zheng
Cindy Zheng

Cindy Zheng

Year 10

Don’t ever be distracted by other things while driving!




Francis Evans
Francis Evans

Francis Evans

Year 10

This prac was fun and  interactive. My group worked really well together. 

Jiyeong Choi
Jiyeong Choi



Jiyeong Choi

Year 10

Today’s prac was productive as our group worked well without any distractions! We learned the importance of avoiding distractions during driving. 


Michael Moro
Michael Moro

Michael Moro

Year 10

I learned that it is good to stay focused on the road.  This prac highlighted that physics is part of everything we  do, every day.