Kelly Club 

Kelly Club Tales


As the days are becoming nicer, the children have chosen to spend more time outdoors over the last fortnight. Some of the children have enjoyed engaging in cricket whilst others have been on the bars.


With the lead up to celebrating Halloween, some of the children helped to decorate some masks. It was lovely to see some of the children get into the spirit of halloween and we had some very ‘scary’ characters! The Kinder children joined us with the celebrations and also seemed to have fun decorating masks.

Singing, dancing and playing instruments is something the children do on most if not everyday. We have a very talented group! Recently we have been practicing some Christmas songs. This was initiated with Max playing Jingle Bells on the piano and the Louis picked up the guitar and joined in.  We are so proud of our musicians.



The Kinder children have been spending lots of time over with the older children in the hall and the big yard. They seemed to love joining in with the Halloween activities. Some of the joined in with dancing whilst the older children played instruments. it is lovely to see all the age groups develop their friendships.


If any families have unwanted newspaper, Kelly Club would love to take it off your hands for an upcoming project!


Kelly Club Christmas party will be held on Tuesday December 4th at 4.30pm.

Holiday Program will run between Monday 10th December to Friday 21st December.  More information will be provided shortly.

The Kelly Club

The Kelly Club OSHC Program runs at Arlington Monday to Friday, following the end of the school day at 3.30pm.  You can find out more about Kelly Club here.


The Program is focused around sports, cooking, art and craft activities as well as structured ‘free-time’ after a busy day at school.   Activities are optional for students and incorporated into themed subjects each week that give children the opportunity to extend their learning outside of the school classroom. Children have opportunities to explore and discover through resources provided each day.


Enrolling in Kelly Club is easy,  to receive an enrolment form please call 03 9384 2204 or email