
Creating music

The Kinder children have really enjoyed movement and music – we have been dancing and singing our way through Term 3 with the Hokey Pokey, Lean Forwards Lean Backwards, This Little Finger, Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes, An Austrian Went Yodelling, Listen To The Water, Cobbler Cobbler and more! This term we have begun learning to read notation, adding and dividing. The children are very clever at saying and playing rhythms together, and have been showing self-discipline waiting for instructions whilst holding percussive instruments.

The Lofties have been learning movement songs last term as well as developing their listening skills.  They have displayed excellent skill in listening to instructions, sharing instruments and working as a team.  Most of the class thoroughly enjoyed performing for the Classical Concert this term, as a showcase of their violin and xylophone exploration in Term 3.  They were very well received and so brave to be on stage to perform in front of so many people!! 


In Term 4 we will continue to work on pitch using the Kodaly hand signals, writing Caterpillar music and playing the Skips and Steps game which involves lots of fun, jumping and stepping on the stave lines.

The Sunroom children have been studying musical elements and have transferred this knowledge most cleverly by using Garageband this semester.  They have created well-designed and entertaining digital sound tracks for short films, which were showcased on a movie day at the end of last term.


This term we will continue to write music, focusing on our knowledge of musical elements, and using both acoustic and electric sounds.  I am looking forward to seeing what kind of songs the groups come up with – they are super excited to be writing original material together, and I’m sure they will enjoy sharing their material in a performance setting!


The Peppercorns are looking forward to transferring their musical knowledge to a range of instruments, and have begun learning to tune up and read tab and chords on our new UKULELES!! The Uke’s are bright and colourful, and allow for deeper understanding of harmony, rhythm and songwriting.  In the coming weeks we will be listening to popular chord progressions and developing our own chord patterns to create original melodies and rhythms. 

The 10s are looking forward to sharing their parody of a well-known song as a gift to our 11s, who will soon be starting their new adventure at high school!  The lyrics have been written by the 10s to celebrate every one of our wonderful Grade Sixes.  The song is sure to be a very special performance and opportunity for the 10s to wish the very best for our 11s!!


Michelle Berner

Music Teacher