Upper Ferntree Gully Awards

Student of the week
F D Blake - for consistently being a kind and friendly person and always listening carefully in class!
1/2 N Lara - for being a kind friend to others.
2/3 D
4/5 D Will - for your positive start to the term.
5/6 B
Maths Awards
F D Benya - for doing a fantastic job at explaining her Maths thinking to others and helping them to
1/2 N Daniel H - for surveying students, collecting the data, creating the bar graph and describing the
2/3 D
4/5 D Emma - for your hard work during our Measurement unit, your results show that it all paid off!
5/6 B
Writing Awards
F D Ash - for working hard to add interesting words and details in his writing!
1/2 N Bethany - for writing a detailed sensory poem.
2/3 D
4/ 5 D Cooper R - for working hard on your comic!
5/6 B
Japanese Award
1/2 N Oscar - for being a self-motivated learner who always exceeds expectation. Excellent effort!