Upper Ferntree Gully Awards
Student of the week
FW Lara - for demonstrating our school values and being a great role model for others! Super job!
1P Zoe - putting care and effort into your tasks
2D Isabel - for being a kind and considerate classmate! Keep up the great work!
3N Liam - for confidently performing a drum solo for our class
Declan - for confidently performing a drum solo for our class
45OW Paige for being such a kind and caring class member. You demonstrate our school values all of the time.
56D Jessica - for being a caring and considerate class member
Maths Awards
FW Emelia - for your wonderful effort with creating patterns! Keep up the great work!
1P Daniel H - for knowing your halves and quarters for fractions
2D Alex - for doing a fantastic job making a fraction wall to show different fractions!
3N Caitlyn - for creating a survey question and collecting data from students to match the question.
45OW Stephen for staying and task and demonstrating his understanding of addition and subtraction strategies.
56D Shayla - for being a great independent learner during Maths time
Writing Awards
FW Jack - for your effort at writing your name! Fantastic job Jack!
1P Jaxsyn - for practising finding Pronouns in our writing!
2D Jone - for your determination to learn new sight words and for moving up so many levels already. Fantastic!
3N Will - for beginning his narrative in a different way with some dialogue
45OW Elliot for having a go at a new style of writing and using your time effectively.
56D Stewart - for trying out new genres in writing
Japanese Award
56D Stewart-kun (Mr. Stewart) has been a responsible and keen learner who always completes tasks with quality in mind. He is always helpful to the teacher and his peers. Very well done!