Principal's Report
If you know of anyone who has yet to enrol please encourage them to put in their forms as this assists with our planning for next year.
It's Under the Big Top Time!
We are all so excited for this Thursday and our performance night. We hope that you have your tickets and we will see you all there!
Child Safe School
PROTECT - Protecting children and young people from abuse is our responsibility The Victorian Government is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. As part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to implementing the recommendations of the Betrayal of Trust report, which found that more must be done to prevent and respond to child abuse in our community, there is a new regulatory landscape surrounding child safety, underpinned by the new PROTECT Child Safe Standards.
The Child Safe Standards are compulsory minimum standards for all Victorian early childhood services and schools, to ensure they are well prepared to protect children from abuse and neglect.
The seven Child Safe Standards are:
1. Strategies to embed an organisational culture of child safety.
2. A child safe policy or statement of commitment to child safety.
3. A child safety code of conduct.
4. Screening, supervision, training and other human resource practices that reduce the risk of child abuse.
5. Procedures for responding to and reporting suspected child abuse.
6. Strategies to identify and reduce or remove risks of child abuse.
7. Strategies to promote child participation and empowerment.
Upper Ferntree Gully Primary School staff are aware of their Child Safe responsibilities and they will receive regular and ongoing training and support to successfully implement the PROTECT program.
More information is available on our school website.
School Production
Start typing your article in here...
Fire Safety
We often think of summer as the time for fires, however many fires occur in Winter as well particularly as people use a variety of heating appliances to stay warm. Make sure you check your house regularly for fire safety hazards.
Upper Ferntree Gully is also a bushfire at risk school. Being a Bushfire at Risk School means that we will be closed on CODE RED days. While this is unlikely during the winter months it is important that we are all awre of the policy and procedures for this situation. If a Code Red day is forecast the school will notify parents via Compass and SMS. There is usually 24-48 hours notice given. If the situation changes then the closed school will still occur and parents will need to make other arrangements for their children.
Have a great week everyone.