Myrniong - Early Learning and Primary


  • Typing Tournament – Year 5
  • Hockey letter – Year 2
  • HDSA information – Prep to Year 5
  • Leadership information – Year 5

Year Five Leadership

This week, under the guidance of Mr Graham Lewis, our Year Five cohort commenced their leadership journey with class lessons devoted to writing letters of application for leadership positions as well as speeches for the role of House Captain.  The students have been given role descriptions for each leadership position that will be on offer in the Junior School.  The students have been asked to include their personal qualities and individual skill sets that could assist them with their leadership.  Speeches for House Captain will be delivered to Berry, Laidlaw, Learmonth and Young Houses on Monday 19th February.  The Year Five Leadership Assembly will be held on Wednesday 28th February at 1.40 pm in the Refectory at Myrniong.


In 2018, the Year Five class will be challenged with  ‘Pass the ball - leaders create leaders.’  We hope to create a 2018 Year Five leadership team that builds ownership, autonomy and initiative.

School Sports

‘Sports don’t just build character, they expose it’.  As our netball, basketball, hockey, athletics and swimming seasons commence, it is timely to make students and parents aware of the College’s ‘Code of Behaviour’ for sports participation.  This document is available on the school website, and is underpinned by the following values and character traits;

  • Commitment – service, communication, teamwork
  • Passion – pride, enjoyment, determination
  • Character – mindset, resilience, initiative
  • Mastery – challenge, achievement, growth
  • Legacy – sportsmanship, role modelling, memories

Mr Stephen Nelson

Head of Junior School

Student Representative Council

Last year, the SRC had a focus to make our Junior School and greater school community ‘greener’.  We have permanently set up a recycling centre to collect old mobile phones, printer cartridges and used batteries.  We hope to do our bit to ensure these items stay out of landfill and can be remade and reused.  If you have any of these items at home, please bring them into Mr Mirtschin, or place them in the ‘Recycling Creatively’ section of our Junior School, located in the hallway next to the ‘Kids Matter’ room.

Mr Stephen Mirtschin

Student Representative Council