From the Business Office

Transportation to School - Conveyance Allowance

To be eligible for the payment of a Conveyance Allowance –


  • A student attending a primary or secondary school must reside not less than 4.8km by the shortest practicable route trafficable by car from the nearest appropriate school,
  • A student attending a primary or secondary school must reside at least 4.8km from the nearest appropriate school.
  • A student travelling on a school transport route service may also be eligible for a conveyance allowance for private transport providing he or she resides more than 4.8km from the nearest pick-up point on that service.
  • Parents using their private cars to transport children to the bus service will also need to supply a scaled CFA or Shire map that clearly identifies the distance travelled.
  • Parents not directly billed by The Hamilton & Alexandra College for bus transport services (eg. those travelling on the Guthrie’s service) will have to provide proof of payment of the fares paid for this service.
  • These forms should be treated with some urgency as all our documentation for these allowances must be processed by Friday 23rd February 2018.


If you feel you may be eligible for payment of a conveyance allowance and have not already completed a form, please contact Mrs Ann Sutherland at the Senior Campus (5572 1355) to arrange for the appropriate form to be sent out.

Mrs Ann Sutherland