Horsemanship 2018
Western District Interschool Equestrian Competition3rd March 2018
Please find attached also our entry form for the WDIEC which will be held on the 3rd March 2018. Make sure you get your entry in as soon as possible to participate in this fabulous event!
We are all looking forward to an enjoyable, fun filled 2018 with our students and their horses!!
For updates, news, Calendar, entry forms, results and more GO TO THE FOLLOWING WEBSITES:
Victorian Equestrian Interschool Series:
Equestrian Victoria:
Please note any horses who are regularly coming to and from the Hamilton and Alexandra College Equestrian Centre must be up to date with vaccinations for Tetanus and Strangles and records of these will be maintained to ensure the biosecurity of the centre. You must also notify the Director of Horsemanship immediately if your horse has been in or originated from Queensland or Northern New South Wales. Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions.
Cox Street Vets are offering our riders a vaccination and health package for all our horses. Should you require further information in relation to this please contact myself at equestrian@hamiltoncollege.vic.edu.au or contact Cox Street Vets directly on ph. 55711202
Ms Amanda Te Boekhorst