Principal's Report

‘Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone.’

Mr James Agar, Guest Speaker at 19th Annual Scholars’ Assembly


Our 19th Annual Scholars’ Assembly this week was a splendid occasion. An impressive eight students were inducted as Scholars as the College celebrated its best VCE results since 2012.  In front of a full house, Old Collegian James Agar delivered a powerful message to the audience emphasising the importance of ‘having a go’ and greeting future challenges, not with fear, but with intent. 


Of equal significance was the fact that students who finished first in Agriculture, Equine Studies and Hospitality were presented for the first time at this auspicious occasion. The importance of these vocational courses cannot be underestimated if we are to be a school where everyone can seek their best.  Our school must be ever mindful to encourage children to find something meaningful in their studies, something that will provide purpose in their lives.  Our learning at College must provide opportunity for all students to find happiness and satisfaction.  

We remain committed to finding ‘confident futures’ for all.  Our proud academic tradition extends to all vocations.

Dr Andrew Hirst