Helpful Information 

Everyday helpful school advice, right at your fingertips!

Student Absences

Parents/Guardians are required to inform the College if your child/children are absent from school by 9.00am via PAM or by phoning the school on 5382 3545. 



Student Achievements

We love to hear and celebrate our student's achievements and to share their success with our College Community. Please email details and/or photos to 





We wish to advise parents/carers of the requirement to keep your child home for 48 hours after a gastro attack to prevent the virus from spreading. We thank you for your help in this matter.


Canteen update for Lent

To observe the Catholic Lenten tradition of fasting, red meat products such as ham, pies, hotdogs will not be served at the Canteen on Fridays from 3rd March to 31st March. You will have Chicken, Tuna, Salad, Noodle and fruit options to choose from. 



Collection Notice for Parents/Guardians


Sacramental Program

The Parish is offering a new program of preparation for children to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation. Families are invited to attend an information session for further details.

Lowes Uniform Sale