Lindy Burke
Lindy Burke
Welcome to the 2023 School Year! We hope you have had a fun-filled summer break with your family and friends. Thank you to parents, students and staff for being so organised and eager to kick off our 2023 school year. To our new Eastie families, we welcome you to our great school and look forward to getting to know you all and sharing in your child/rens educational journey.
Of course, we also welcome back our existing families. It is great to see so many smiles and familiar faces about the school this week. Finally, we welcome some new staff to Echuca East, Britt Saunders – STEM specialist teacher, Trinity Keath - Yoga & Mindfulness specialist teacher, Fiona Chique – Visual Arts specialist teacher and the return of Amy Walton - 56D. Please help make them feel welcome.
It has been wonderful when walking around the school and visiting classrooms this week, the kids have settled into the school routines and expectations beautifully – It is hard to believe that it is only week 1! Of course, we have a number new little Easties, now known as our 2023 Prep kids. They too seem to have settled in well and loving their time at Echuca East.
If you would like to see more updates on the all the great things happening at Echuca East, just FOLLOW our new Facebook Page and simply LIKE and SHARE with your friends.
This is the image of our new page below. Keep up to date to avoid missing out on the action!