Student Wellbeing 

Dear Parents and Carers, 

This year in the wellbeing space, our school will focus on: 

  1. Building teacher capability to activate student voice and agency within the classroom
  2. Reducing the % of students with 20+ days absence from 39% in 2019 to 25% in 2024.
  3. Embedding  a whole-school approach to the development of the social and emotional wellbeing of students
  4. Developing and implementing strategies that involve parents and carers as partners in their child’s learning

                   Grade Attendance Ladder 


Congratulations to Prep A for the highest number of students who had 94% attendance this fortnight. Keep up the great work everyone!

         Anglicare Early Help Services at ETRS

              Coffee Club Connection Revival 

With Parent Partnerships as one of this year's Key Improvement Strategies and Anglicare Early Help facilitator Kristy is keen to join us. Coffee Connections will kick off this coming Thursday in the Staffroom from 9am. Anglicare will kindly provide drinks and slices from the ETRSS Cafe for all of us to enjoy. Everyone is welcome including younger siblings.

This will also be an opportunity to share ideas and contribute to our Parents and Friends Team if you'd like.  

         School Wide Positive Behaviours 

School Wide Positive Behaviours continues to be the cornerstone of our Whole School approach to Wellbeing. We have been on this journey for 3.5 years now and have been awarded the Blue Award for our efforts. This year we are striving for the Bronze Award. This is a big deal !! The amount of work, consultation, documentation and implementation that has been dedicated to SWPBS has been enormous. 

We have updated our SWPBS Handbook for our families and you can access everything you need to know by clicking on the attachment below. Enjoy the read and be sure to take the time to talk it through with your children who will be able to explain all the finer details of the framework, in particular the Reward and Behaviour Matrixes.

                   Backflips Against Bullying


On Monday 27th of February, our students along with Echuca Twin Rivers Specialist School attended an incursion called Backflips Against Bullying. This year the crew  returned with a strong anti - bullying message. A lot of fun was had!



                       ETRS Buddy Program

Our much anticipated whole school ETRS Buddy Program was launched on Monday the 27th of February. This program is a proactive approach to building positive relationships across the school, reducing the incidence of bullying and promotes cross age learning opportunities. 

Buddy sessions will occur each fortnight on Monday afternoons. Our students will partake in a social emotional learning activity together that is coordinated across the school. This program is highly regarded by our students and staff. Our students love working with their buddies and spending time together. 



Wishing everyone a super weekend, stay cool and enjoy the last days of summer. 

Anthea and the Wellbeing Team.