Principal's Report

 Principal - Julie Hommelhoff 

Assistant Principal - Matt Saunders  

Principal Position at ETRS


After a rigorous principal selection process, School Council are delighted to announce that Julie Hommelhoff has been provisionally appointed as the Principal of Echuca Twin Rivers School. Once the 2 week period of appeal has been completed then Julie will become the substantive principal. We’d like to thank my fellow members of the selection panel for their time and effort in undertaking this very important selection process. We’d like to congratulate Julie on her appointment knowing that it is very well deserved. 


Unfortunately, Julie has some health concerns and will need to take leave for the remainder of the term. While Julie is on leave, we will have Chris Eeles as our acting principal. Chris will be starting at the school on Monday. Chris comes with a wealth of experience and will be a great addition to the ETRS team.


School Crossing


We now have a School Crossing!!! This is located out the front of our school and will assist our students and families with crossing Wilkinson Drive safely. Please access the crossing whenever crossing Wilkinson Drive.


Backflips Against Bullying


On Monday the 27th of February, the whole school attended the Backflips Against Bullying incursions. With lots of smiles, laughter and backflips, all students enjoyed the entertainment while learning about bullying, both in person and online.


Buddies Launch


Buddies at ETRS has now been launched. All students now have a buddy to work with, teach and learn from throughout the year. We will be holding Buddy sessions fortnightly on Mondays in session 5. The program connects to our school values of Respect, Inclusion, Responsibility, Resilience and (Academic Excellence) .


Wishing everyone an enjoyable weekend.


   Matt Saunders

   Assistant Principal