
Emily Murcott 

Wellbeing Literacy Leader

Acting Assistant Principal



Last Thursday afternoon, our school captains joined Mr Bradley and Ms Murcott at the Friendship Carnival held at Eastland. Read below, as the captains explain the event.

RHPS School Captains and Dana (URSTRONG founder)
RHPS School Captains and Dana (URSTRONG founder)


On Thursday the 23rd of Feb, Me, Chloe, Amber, and Lachie had the privilege of participating in Eastland’s Friendship Carnival. We all got handed a ninja t-shirt, a bandana and ran a booth making badges. We were all having a blast, enjoying other stalls and going to the photo booth. While 2 of us were helping out the children at our stall; the other 2 would work the badge maker. On our way to another booth, we all met Dana Kerford, the founder of URSTRONG/ Friendology. She was lovely, and we all felt honoured to have met her. 


Then at 5:45 we all sat down to listen to Dana’s presentation. It was all inspiring, and my favourite point that she made was the horse-shoe friend group. Often, we have a particular few friends we prefer to hang out with, in this case a friendship circle, and circles are enclosed. Whereas a horseshoe is open, metaphorical for being open minded to new people and their diversity. I also believe that we should always make new friends. We then got dinner and went home; it was a great night. And we all felt special and privileged. 

- Elinor S


On Thursday the 23rd of February the School Captains and Vice Captains went to the Friendship Carnival at Eastland. We had lots of fun and we got ninja T-shirts and bandanas. We even got to participate in running a stall for all ages to come and try. We were on a badge making machine which was the most popular booth in the whole unit. Dana, the lady who founded Friendology, made a speech that included things about friendship. My favourite thing she pointed out was when she was talking about friendship fires; because it had a lot of information, and we learned a lot.  - Lachie A


P - 2 Friendology

In Prep we have been focusing on how we are a best friend to ourselves. We have discussed how we look after ourselves and strategies that we can put in place to maintain our mental and physical wellbeing.


In Grade 1&2, students are learning strategies for making new friends. They have been role-playing how to introduce themselves and ask questions to keep the conversation going. They are learning to find common interests and are enjoying getting to know each other. 



Let's take a look at the daily actions in the calendar below to help to be more mindful and in the moment.


Ruth C (parent of Harry in PAH) bought all the Prep Teachers coffees when she dropped Harry off for his early years interview. It made all prep teachers smile. It was truly appreciated. 

Throughout the past two weeks, we have noticed students taking responsibility for their learning. I'd like to give a shout out to: 

  • Max (2BY) for taking responsibility of the reading reading space without anyone asking