Duke of Edinburgh

Vermont Secondary College

Congratulations Tom Gowers


The Forest Hill Endeavour award is presented each year to a student who has made an outstanding contribution to the school community.


Tom showed tremendous leadership during the Year 10 Duke of Edinburgh Adventurous Journey. Across the semester Tom was actively involved in preparing for the bush walk, linking a strong interest in the outdoors with his bubbly personality and positive spirit.  


Throughout the 3-day bush walk, Tom impressed us with a positive and upbeat attitude. He led from the front whilst showing patience, care and support to all group members. Tom took charge with navigation, ensured the group kept time and left camp in a timely manner. Tom assisted with decision making but just as importantly, provided plenty of laughs and moral boosting moments during a tough journey.  


Tom’s resilience and positivity, through trying conditions, was undoubtedly a major highlight of the journey and he is thoroughly deserving of the Forest Hill School Endeavour Award.