Teaching & Learning

Teaching & Learning

Approximately once a month all Learning Specialists and Learning Area Leaders meet to discuss Teaching & Learning at Glen Eira College. As a team, we consider ways to improve student outcomes and attitudes within our school. Our aim is to ensure all learners feel included, challenged, and engaged within our classrooms. 


At our first meeting we discussed how we can develop the use of rubrics as tools to assess student work as well as measure growth. We are also looking at ways to provide accessible information to parents/carers about the learning progress your children are making. These aims lend themselves to the broader school vision of Growth & Striving, Equity & Integrity and Care & Respect.



I have also been working with Jared Bandara (Junior School Leader), Year Level Coordinators and Learning Area Leaders for English and Maths, in preparation for NAPLAN in Weeks 7 & 8. This assessment of Literacy and Numeracy will provide us with valuable insights to support our professional judgements of student attainment. It is particularly useful in enabling us to identify our broader areas of strength, as well as recognising student knowledge gaps. 


We will shortly be providing students with guidance so that they are familiar with the online format of NAPLAN, as well as the structuring of questions. 



We are proud to have had 32 students selected from Year 8 for the Victorian High-Ability Program in English and Maths. These courses run for one term and enable learners to extend themselves through online classes run by Virtual School Victoria. 

Culture of Learning

At GEC we ensure all students feel included in the learning process. We will continue to draw from the pedagogical experience of our educators to support quality teaching and learning within our classrooms. 


Daniel Bouchet-Hibbert

Teaching & Learning Leader