Message from our

Campus Principal

Geoff Block
Geoff Block

Well, here we are, almost at the end of the first term. The parent/student/teacher conversations will be taking place on the last Wednesday evening and Thursday of the term. It is important that all parents and students attend these meetings, especially if the students are in Year 11, especially if this is the first time that you have been involved with the University Campus. The requirements and consequences, for students in VCE and VCE/VM are very different to what comes before they start Year 11. For this reason, please make the time to book meetings with your student’s teachers.


This is generally a time of the school year when students and teachers are under pressure to complete tasks related to demonstrating outcomes. Teachers have been told that if students are at risk of not meeting outcomes and could therefore fail a unit, parents need to be contacted by a phone call. This is so teachers can make it clear to parents what students need to do to meet outcomes and the things parents can do to help them. If you have received a missed phone call from school please give us a call back.  

Congratulations to our recently elected Year 11 School Vice-Captains, Gabby Bonnici and Brayden Young. 


Finally, a short story about Ryan Runge, a student who completed VCE with us in 2021. Ryan wasn’t a bad student but his great passion was never school, it was always radio. He volunteered on local community radio and worked part time at 3TRFM. When he finished his VCE, university was never part of his plan, it was always to head to Melbourne to work in radio. And now, a year and bit later, Ryan is the producer and panel operator for Neil Mitchell’s morning show on 3AW, the highest-ranking radio show in Melbourne, and taking phone calls from Albo to see if Neil would like to talk to him. I’d love to be able to say that this is another Kurnai success story, but this is all about Ryan. It shows what can be achieved if you dedicate yourself completely to following your passion. Follow the link below to see the national award Ryan has won for his work at 3AW.


I look forward to seeing you at the parent/student/teacher conversations Wednesday 5th April and Thursday 6th April. 


Mr Geoff Block

University Campus Principal