Student Leadership

Term 1 has been a busy one for our College Leaders
The Koonung student leadership team has had a busy Term 1. In February we raised money for Minus 18 by spreading the love in our Valentine's Day Hearts event. Then in March, the group spent the afternoon on the BBQ for the Year 7 parents' evening. Recently we've just returned from the Year 7 camp trip where the student leaders create connections with the Year 7s by joining in with them on their camp activities. Stay tuned because the student leaders have a lot more planned for 2023.
Throughout term one, we’ve been working with a number of other students to produce the first issue of the school newspaper for this year! The Koonung Chronicle aims to provide an opportunity for students to use their voice how they wish to. We want to create a place where Koonung students can access information, games, opinions and advice from their peers, which is incredibly important for us as a school.
In today’s political landscape, uplifting young voices and sharing their opinions with the world has never been more important. The newspaper is the first step, starting with a group of students who want to make their voices heard. We hope that inviting the student body to have a taste of journalism will set our students, and the wider community, up to share their voices and take a stand on issues that affect them. Speak loud, speak now, and do it with kindness and compassion.
Copies of 2023’s first issue of the Koonung Chronicle will be available early next term. Our amazing team has been working hard to ensure that it has a segment for everyone, whether you’re looking for something serious or light-hearted!
Regardless of your ability as a writer, it’s never too late to join, and we’d love to see your faces there next term!
Rose Mackinnon and Sammi Shepherd
Literacy Captains
Interact Club Update
The interact club has been tracking along well this term, growing a group of keen and excellent members passionate about giving back to the local and international community. We have supported rotary events such as the 'Lift the Lid' walk and brainstorming ideas for next term. Interact is a great space to raise awareness and money from meaningful causes and it would be great to see as many students as possible get involved.
SRC Update
The Student Representative Council is off to a great start this year. We have a large group of passionate and eager members from all year levels. We recently ran our first event earlier this week, the World’s Greatest Shave, raising money for the Leukaemia Foundation. Due to all the SRCs hard work leading up to and on the day, it was a great success! On the day, we ran a bake sale, sausage sizzle, novelty hairsprays and braiding with the main event, students and teachers that shaved their heads. Thank you to everyone who helped on the day and supported the event. The SRC is looking forward to running more successful events and forums throughout the year to give back to the community and amplify student voice.
Think Fast
The Think Fast program has been building and growing over the term. It has been amazing to see to enthusiasm and eagerness of students to get involved and seek help. The older and younger students have built meaningful and valuable connections, which are vital to ensure students get the most out of the program. It is as helpful for the younger kids as it is rewarding for the older kids. I am so thankful for the support from the staff and students to allow this program to flourish and take off, as it is my end goal to ensure every student can access the support they need, how and when they need it. It is not too late for students to get involved; students can find us in A2 every Thursday or check for updates on Compass.
Isabella Cidoni 12B