Visual Arts

12VCD- Industrial design tasks
Students in 12VCD were required to test & trial several juicers to determine their views on
form over function.
Form follows function is a principle of design associated with late 19th and early 20th century architecture and industrial design in general, which states that the shape of a building or object should primarily relate to its intended function or purpose.
The Year 12 VCD students needed to take into consideration the form, aesthetics, cost, ergonomics and practicality of the Alessi Juicer against other juicers.
Their task was to squeeze lemons and oranges, trialling a variety of juicers and come to the conclusion about which juicer was the dominant winner. The prize at the end was to be able to drink the juice!
Year 8 Art
Year 8 Art students have commenced the school year with a drawing assessment task.
After working through observational drawing, gesture drawing and plein air drawing students needed to ask themselves this question.....can a machine make art?
Students formed groups and had one lesson to brainstorm, research, draw, create, make, trial and evaluate their drawing machines. In the next lesson they had to present to the class and show case their drawing machines- well done 8I for excellent presentations, evaluations and for such super drawing machines.
Taking it to the next level....
For part of our first art assessment, we were tasked with creating a drawing machine. Personally, my favourite part of this was being able to do some engineering and design in art. Most of the time, you'd expect to see something that draws regular geometrical shapes that are repeated at different angles (like a spirograph) or something similar. But our group decided to take it a step further. What we ended up with was a machine that can draw whatever you want it to draw. Most of the machine is made of 2 old CD drives that had its internals taken out to use as the X and Y axis. The pen's up and down motion is controlled by a servo (which is a motor that can be told to go to a specific angle). The rest of it is sent in the form of G code (that basically means machine move left, machine put your pen down, machine move right and up at the same time...) to the machine via a computer. During the designing and production of this machine, we encountered many issues, but we sufficiently found workarounds or solutions. Now, all we can hope for is a good grade in art :)
Ryan Li (8D)
Introducing our 2023 Arts captains
Hi everyone! I’m Chuqi Zhang, or you can call me Linda. I am one of the Art Captains this year. I love art as it allows me to release stress, and I like to create and draw. Also, I can create a fun environment as well as meet new people. I would to help people to achieve their ideas and welcome you to join Art Space every Monday at noon.
Hi, I am Erin Daw, one of the 2023 Art Captains. I’ve been at Koonung Secondary College since Year 7 and have been involved in art since I was 10. Art is very important in my life as it helps me with exploring my ideas and expressing myself. Art comes in many shapes and forms and Art Space is an amazing space to be able to express your ideas and creativity.
Artspace at Koonung:
Holiday workshops at Box Hill Community Arts Centre
School holiday fun right on your doorstep!No need to travel, we have the best school holiday activities right here at BHCAC. View a selection of course highlights below and visit our website for more information and to enro
Free classes at LCI (previously Australian Academy of Design)
The Quick Lab is an interactive one-day session that is designed to support year 11 and 12 students who are studying visual art & design subjects. These labs run in the school term breaks and provide students with some skill development to support their studies
Quick Lab 2: Enhancing your drawing
Date: Tuesday 11 April
Times: 10am - 4pm
Venue: LCI Melbourne, 150 Oxford Street, Collingwood
Cost: Free
Registrations: Required as numbers are limited
Helen Briffa
Visual Arts / Technology Teacher
Arts Domain Leader
Year 9 Art
In Year 9 Art, students have created works based on the theme of ‘Fantast’. Students experimented with a variety of rendering techniques with fineliner, extending upon skills previously learnt in Year 7 art and Year 8 Art and Visual Communication. The works feature refined use of the medium as well as the expression of fantastic concepts and imagery relating to Fantasy themes, with inspiration stemming from literature, animations, fine arts and digital media. The outcome was a range of diverse styles and imagery, and an exciting experience for all. Great job year 9!
Year 11 Creative Practice
During Week 8, the Year 11 Creative Practice Students were given the opportunity to explore and experiment with a variety of materials and techniques in a workshop kindly run by ZartArt. Students trialled dry felting and some textile-based works, while others created amazing artworks using plasticine and clay. For others, it was a time to extend upon existing skills, collaging with balsa and textured papers and adding rustic effects through use of patina. Students took the time to develop small artworks relating to ideas from their folio of development. Fair to say it was an enjoyable and rewarding lesson for all involved.
I would like to extend a thank you to Tahlia, and the ZartArt team, for running our workshop.
Christopher Henson
Visual Arts Teacher