
Communicating with the Foundation Team

We look forward to partnering with you in 2020, and welcome your input: 

Holly Peters (Class FA)

Lisa Dam (Class FB)

Holly Peters
Lisa Dam
Holly Peters
Lisa Dam

Prep Picnic- Community Welcome

We would like to thank all of our families for a wonderful start to the 2020 school year! 

As a community minded school, we are mindful that one of the great things about having a child commencing school is that it brings an opportunity for families to connect across our community. 

Therefore, on Thursday 20th February 5:00pm-6:00pm we are asking that Foundation families take the opportunity to join us for a picnic dinner under the Oak Trees. 

What should you bring? Come along with some comfortable chairs, or a blanket for your family. Bring a family picnic dinner that tickles your fancy. Note: Due to varying dinner and dietary requirements the school will not be supplying food. 

Why should you join in? The evening presents a great opportunity for our families and students to get to know each other a little better. Relax together, chat, or have a play with supplied school equipment. The Foundation classrooms will also be open for families to walk through, so that you can see what our students have been doing in their first few weeks. 

This is an event for the whole family, with younger and older siblings, and extended families welcome to join us. 

We look forward to catching up with you on the evening. 

Kind regards, 

Holly Peters and Lisa Dam

Foundation Team

Inquiry Focus- Term One 2020

Please see below for information regarding the focus of our Inquiry Unit this term. 

Unit One Title: Belonging

Through Line: Community

Learning Area/s: Health

Capability: Personal & Social Capability/Intercultural Capability


Health Content Descriptors – Personal and Social Community Health

Being healthy, safe and active

  • Identify personal strengths
  • Identify people and actions that help keep themselves safe and healthy

Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing

  • Practise personal and social skills to interact with others
  • Identify and describe emotional responses people may experience in different situations

Contributing to healthy and active communities

  • Identify actions that promote health, safety and wellbeing
  • Participate in play that promotes engagement with outdoor settings (including aquatic and the natural environment)

Personal and Social Capability Content Descriptors – Self Awareness and Management

Recognition and expression of emotions

  • Develop a vocabulary and practise the expression of emotions to describe how they feel in different familiar situations

Development of resilience

  • Identify their likes and dislikes, needs and wants, abilities and strengths
  • Recognise that problems or challenges are a normal part of life and that there are actions that can be undertaken to manage problems

Personal and Social Capability Content Descriptors – Social Awareness and Management

Relationships and diversity

  • Identify a range of groups to which they, their family and members of their class belong
  • Practise the skills required to include others and make friends with peers, teachers and other adults


  • Name and practise basic skills required to work collaboratively with peers
  • Use appropriate language to describe what happens and how they feel when experiencing positive interactions or conflict

Intercultural Capability Content Descriptors

Cultural practices

  • Identify what is familiar and what is different in the ways culturally diverse individuals and families live

Cultural diversity

  • Identify and discuss cultural diversity in the school and/or community

Achievement Standards:


By the end of Foundation Level:

  • Recognises how they are growing and changing.
  • Identifies actions that help them be healthy, safe and physically active.
  • Identifies and describes the different emotions people experience.
  • Identifies different settings where they can be active and how to move and play safely.
  • Demonstrates, with guidance, practices to keep themselves safe and healthy in different situations and activities.


Personal and Social Capability

By the end of Foundation Level:

  • Identifies and expresses a range of emotions in their interactions with others.
  • Recognises personal qualities and achievements by describing activities they enjoy at school and home, noting their strengths. 
  • Recognises that attempting new and challenging tasks are an important part of their development.
  • Identifies different types of relationships.
  • They begin to identify and practise basic skills for including and working with others in groups.


Intercultural Capability

By the end of Level 2:

  • Begins to distinguish between what is familiar and different in the ways culturally diverse individuals and families live.
  • Identifies cultural diversity in their school and/or community.


Themes: Students learn about themselves including their likes, dislikes and strengths, and those of their peers.

Students are introduced to the idea of the classroom being a community and they learn about classroom rules. They interact with their peers, teachers and other adults in a range of contexts. They learn to play constructively together, recognising emotions and expressing personal preferences, etc.


What are our individual strengths, like and dislikes?

How can we be safe, healthy and active at school?

Why do we need rules?

What rules would be suitable for our classroom?

How are classrooms different to family and other rules?

How can we work with others in groups?


Key Understandings:

Everyone has qualities that make them special

I can learn ways to manage my feelings

Everyone belongs to a group

Actions that help them be healthy, safe and physically active at home and at school

Classroom rules and why they are needed

Comparisons of classroom and family rules, and other rules that they know about