On site kinder

Numbers of children attending on site are slowly building back up, on Tuesdays now we are back to running separate sessions for Purple and Green group with more sessions potentially adjusting back to normal over the coming weeks.

Children have been enjoying the changing weather with rain providing opportunities for puddle and mud exploration and the sunny days with crisp Autumn air giving us a chance to run, jump and climb and notice all the changes occurring in the natural world. The digital incursion from the Botanic Gardens running across both the onsite kinder and at home kinder programs is inspiring us to go investigating to find mini beasts of all descriptions. We are lifting logs and rocks, peeking into corners at spider webs, using magnifying glasses and bug catchers, watching wriggling little creatures that have hatched in collected rain water, the world is full of interest and wonder. 

Some of the other experiences happening across the groups are:

Collecting lemons from our tree and making lemonade

Self-portrait literacy assessments

Cooking and making mother's day gifts and cards

Volcano experiments in the sandpit

Home corner dramatic play

Making our own hopscotch

Exploring the picture book 'Stick Man'

Making our own marble mazes

Monkeying around on the monkey bars!