Year 7-9 Sector

Year 7 News


What a year it has been!


From day one, students have been striving to achieve their best. This year, Year 7 students took on so many challenges with open arms.

There have been so many highlights this year; Camp, The Melbourne Zoo, Swimming Program, the Humanities incursions on Indigenous History and Ancient History, Landscapes excursion to the beach and mountainous areas, the Colour Fun Run, Interschool Sports and coming up soon, Adventure Park!


“The colour run was so much fun, definitely one of my favourite things from this year!” Shyla

“I loved that we got to go on so many excursions.” Maryia


Our Hands on Learning students achieved great things win Café, Trade and Tech and our Life Skills students created a professional dining experience for numerous teachers.


In week 9, students completed their English and Mathematics exams which focused on key topics learned throughout Semester 2.


Congratulations to all Year 7 students on completing their first year of exams!

It’s been a really tough few weeks with lots of assessments and projects due across all subjects.


The Year 7 teachers would like to commend students on their determination, resilience and hard work throughout the year.  Well done!

Our Year 7s have accomplished so much this year and we are all very proud of each and every one of them! Enjoy the rest of the term and best of luck for the years to come!


Year 7 Team