Year 3-6 Sector

Year 4 News


Day 1:

On Wednesday 27th of November at 8:30am, we said goodbye to our parents and hopped on the bus and our journey began… It was a long ride, about an hour and a half without stopping! We stopped at Yea and ate our lunch. Then we continued our journey to Alexandra. When we arrived we took our luggage off the bus and sat down at the barbecue area. The teacher’s told us our cabins and we were so excited about who was in there!!! After that we had a tour of the camp and then had some cabin time, we mucked around and ate candy, then we made our beds and unpacked. After our rooms were ready we got split into our groups and started our activities for the day. The activities on the camp included, the Giant Swing, gaga ball, zipline/flying fox, raft building, canoeing, low ropes, archery, high ropes, rock climbing and disc golf. We did 3 activities on our first day, it was so hot! When we finished our activities for the day we had some cabin time, if you were on dinner duty you had to go 15 minutes earlier to set up the dining room. Dinner was at 5:50, on the first night we had a pasta bake and salad with garlic bread and for dessert we had a Pavlova with berries. After dinner we had a little bit of free time in our cabins or out in the play area. We got into our comfy clothes and went to the fire area, Mr Thompson made a flaming hot fire for us to enjoy. We had to find big sticks to put the marshmallows on and then the teachers called us up to roast them. The marshmallows were delicious, they melted in your mouth… but some of us burnt our marshmallows to a crisp so didn’t get to enjoy them as much. After that it was time to go to sleep, but not all of us did!




Day 2:

We woke up nice and early (at 5am!) and we got ready for the day. Breakfast was at 7:30am, we had cereal, scrambled eggs and toast. Then our day began! After 2 activities we had morning tea, then we had another 2 activities and then we had lunch which was baked potatoes with salad. After lunch we had 2 more activities and then afternoon tea, then 2 more activities. After the activities had finished for the day we had dinner which was chicken schnitzel and vegetables, for dessert we had jelly.


After dinner we found out that we were having a disco and a fashion show with a twist! In the fashion show you had to dress up in the silliest costume you could find out of all the things you packed. We all got so excited and went back to our cabins. We all got ready and dressed into our outfits and arrived at the room with music! We each went down the cat walk and the judges (Mrs Hafoka, Mrs Annison and Miss Jenkins) called out each cabin one at a time.


In the middle of it we had a special performance by two rooms, the boys and the girls swapped clothes and went as each other! Then the disco began, we screamed and sang and had fun all night, it was so cringe worthy watching the teachers dance! After the disco we went to our cabins and got dressed into our pj’s, got our blankets and pillows and made ourselves comfortable and watched JUMANJI! We didn’t finish the movie because we were all so tired, so we went to bed.



Day 3:

We woke up nice and early, got ready to pack and had breakfast… We had pancakes!!! We met in the barbecue area for the last time and we went to our final activity for the camp. After our activity we had some morning tea, packed all of the suitcases onto the bus and said goodbye to Alexandra Adventure Resort. On the way home we stopped at a playground for some lunch and then arrived back at school at 2:30 on the dot.


By Amelie Best and Nadeen Babawee


The Year 4 Team

Year 5 News


The Grade 5’s have been busy creating information texts about Caroline Springs. They have been using their researching skills to gather data on the socioeconomic status, demographics, facilities and services, history and education status of the people living in Caroline Springs.


School values

Modesty and humility                  

There has been a strong emphasis on ‘Modesty and Humility’ within the grade 5 cohort this term.

Coming close to the end of the year is a great time to reflect. Year 5 students have been learning to be humble by acknowledging their mistakes and limitations, and are learning to be more open to advice and new ideas. Humility, is vital to team, community, and societal achievement. Having modesty and humility can begin by simply giving thanks to our friends and the people around us. The way we speak to each other is the beginning.

Here is an important messages to think about:

‘Children need to know that achievement, looks, and abilities are not what give them worth.’;



The students have been working exceptionally hard this term on creating a successful business aimed at meeting the needs and wants of our local community. Early in the term, the year 5 cohort went on an excursion to CS Square, where they explored the services and facilities Caroline Springs has to offer its community. They will have the opportunity to presenting and pitch their business idea.



Please ensure your children are staying hydrated in the heat and wearing sunscreen daily. A reminder that hat must be worn by students at lunch and recess and students without hats will be sent to the hay shed to play.


The year 5 cohort will be going on an end of year celebration excursion to Kemizo. Payment and consent must be in by Monday, 2nd December.


Each year 5 class will be participating in a gift exchange to show appreciation to students in their class. Consent to participate must be returned by Monday, 2nd December. Gifts should cost no more than $10 and will be due by Friday, 13th December.


Brookside College will be our annual Christmas concert on Monday, 16th December.


The Year 5 Team