
Research your Career - it’s never too early to start
Job Outlook
Helps you make decisions about your study choices and discover career pathways
My Future
You can explore occupations related to your favourite school subjects. After you create an account, click on ‘explore career bullseyes’ and then click on your favourite subjects. Start exploring career pathways by selecting a learning area you enjoy.
The Good Career Guide
Is a multi-platform resource for students commencing their career journey. There are over 500 different job descriptions and students can explore occupations based on their interests and traits. multi-platform resource for students and j
Work Experience
At the start of May, our Group 1 HUMS students completed their work experience placement. Careers staff conducted site visits or calls to see how students were enjoying their time and chat with them about their experience in the workforce. The feedback from both students and the local business has been very positive.
Our Year 10 students have really enjoyed this week discovering the world of work and learning new employability skills. We would like to thank and recognise the wonderful local businesses that have supported our work experience program. These businesses are:
Little Saints Early Learning, Newborough East Primary School, South Street Primary School, Elizabeth Street Primary School, St Mary's Primary School, Grey Street Primary School, Newborough Primary School, Moe Child Care & Kindergarten Centre, Bluebird Early Learning Centre, AB Plumbing & Roofing, Adobe Constructions, Amay Cafe, Arnott's Cabinets, Camelia's Kitchen, Curly & George Hair on Rutherglen, D&M Harvesting, Davine Shanahan Lawyers, Erica Preschool, GEST, Gilmour Motors, Halley & Mellowes Austrasia, Hot FX Photography, Lilly Pilly Flower Boutique, Newborough Fish & Chips, Onsite Machining, P&V Grealy, Safetech, SMEC Australia, Spotlight Traralgon, Turn Back Time Cafe, Vartel Developments and Voyage Fitness.
VCE & Careers Expo
On Thursday 29th April Year 12 students (both VCE and VCAL) attended Australia’s biggest VCE and Careers Expo held at Caulfield Racecourse. The event had over 150 exhibitors which include Universities, TAFEs, training courses and industries. Information and resources for the VCE, career advice, study advice, employment advice and opportunities, apprenticeship and traineeship advice, international exchange and gap year programs, and more. This was a great opportunity for our Year 12 students to gain valuable information into their pathways beyond Lowanna College. The event was jammed packed full of exhibitors, their representatives, and other schools from all over the state. Our students discovered the many careers and pathways and they could not believe all the different opportunities available which they were previously unaware of. It was a great day!
TIS Event (Tertiary Information Services)
On Tuesday 18th May Year 12 VCE students traveled to Federation University Gippsland Campus to participate in the TIS event. TIS is a collective of universities, TAFE institutes, and independent tertiary colleges helping students prepare for future careers. Students heard a presentation about making career choices, supports on offer, and general information to help students move through year 12 and beyond. After the presentation students had the opportunity to explore the many different universities and TAFE institutes displays and speak with their staff members who offered students resources to support their pathways. The institutions that attended were: Monash University, Victoria University, Charles Sturt University, Deakin University, Deakin College, Collarts, The University of Melbourne, TAFE Gippsland, RMIT, Longernong Ag College, SAE Creative Media Institute, Swinburne University, Federation University, JMC, Torrens, Chisholm TAFE, and William Angliss Institute.
Jobskills Expo Week
The JobSkills Expo targets students and young people from schools, training, and community organisations. It will engage young people with “hands-on” activities, advice, and information about the various skills, jobs, and industries that make up our regional workforce. As well as static displays the JobSkills Expo Week will have a range of short seminars providing practical information and advice to students. Year 10 and Year 11 students can choose one day to attend. We have limited places available so students will not be able to attend more than one selected day. The individual session times for each industry day will run from 9.30 am – 11.30 am. The Expo will consist of 3 industry-themed days.
The days include:
- Day 1 - Pathway into Health and Community Services - Monday, 26 July 2021 - Q&A Exhibitors from various Health and Community sectors, RTO’s and Local Governments
- Day 2 - Defence Force & Emergency Services – Tuesday, 27 July 2021 – Q&A Exhibitors from various Defence Forces, SES, Ambulance, Police, CFA, FRV, NAVY, Local Laws, and others such as Emergency services and RTO’s
- Day 3 - Apprenticeships/Traineeships & Trades – Thursday, 29 July 2021 – Q&A Exhibitors from various Industries, Trades, and RTO’s.
Students are asked to consider which themed day best suits their interest and then see Kirsty in Careers to place their name down on the list to attend. Students need to have their name on the list by Friday 11th June.
My Career Insight (Year 9 Morrisby Career Discovery Tool)
Our Year 9 students sat their Careers Insight Morrisby online assessment during the week of April 26th. The online discovery tool is designed to help them learn more about themselves – their values, preferences, and skills – giving them a better understanding of where their strengths lie. These personal insights help open up a variety of possible career pathways, specifically tailored to who they are.
Our students now have an opportunity to talk one on one with a careers counselor to help them start to set some goals and putting actions into place. Lowanna College would like to invite parents/guardians to participate in these 30minute careers counseling sessions to hear about your child’s strengths, interests, and skills.
The career appointments will take place from Monday 24th May until Tuesday 4th June. All students will be required to have an appointment which will be offered at school during school hours or an after-hours online appointment with parents/guardians.
Tax File Number (TFN)
Not sure how to apply for a TFN?
Did you know you can now apply online and have your identity verified through an interview at a participating Australia Post office? The link below has been provided for all students to access who need to apply for a TFN. To apply and also to find out about participating Post Offices visit.
Unique Student Identification(USI)
A USI (Unique Student Identifier) is a reference number that creates an online record of your training and qualifications attained in Australia. Current Year 12 students are reminded that you will need a USI number when applying for Commonwealth financial assistance when you enroll at university next year. Some students who have already been studying a VET subject may already have one and it is recommended students create or find their USI via, ahead of time.
Headstart Program
Head Start is an Apprenticeship and Traineeship pathway for school students aimed at giving them just that. Head Start allows students to undertake their VCE or VCAL for up to three years so they can spend more time in paid, on-the-job training to develop skills employers need. For general inquiries please contact our Headstart Coordinator Amanda McMahon on 0428 197 919 or
Australian Apprenticeships Pathways
Interested in becoming an apprentice? This website has great information and resources to support your research regarding your career planning.
Looking for an apprenticeship? Here are a few job searches sites;
Careers Support
I am available as a support for students and parents with any questions or queries you have. Please feel free to contact me on 51279225 or