Senior School Report

It certainly has been a busy start to Term 2, with a number of events and excursions taking place amongst our senior students.
The VCE Careers Expo was recently held at Caulfield Racecourse. Over 60 of our Year 12 students attended this important event where they were able to gain a better understanding of their options post Year 12. Over 100 exhibitors and universities provided students with information for their future career aspirations. This event was followed up by a Tertiary Information Session at Federation University which showcased the local options for Lowanna students.
With a large number of SAC’s currently taking place, it is important that students continue to work hard, utilise the expertise of their teachers, and strive to do the best they possibly can. The Year 11’s were recently given a session on study skills, where the importance of finding a quiet, clear space to study was emphasised. The importance of note-taking, and reading through these notes was also spoken about.
On Wednesday 9th June, all Year 12 VCE students, and Year 11 students completing a Unit 3/4 subject are required to complete the General Achievement Test (GAT). This is an important component of the VCE as it provides a predicted score for all studies. It is vital that students attempt their best on this test to ensure that they are not disadvantaged at all with their VCE subjects.
All Year 11&12 students will also be undertaking mid-year exams beginning on Friday 4th June. These exams will give students the opportunity to assess how they are travelling with their respective Unit 1&3 subjects to date. It provides good feedback in regards to areas of concern and positive steps that they have taken throughout the past two terms. More information will be provided in the coming week.
Finally, a reminder about our basic expectations. All students should be in full school uniform at all times. Senior students have the privilege of being able to go to the shop at lunchtime. Unfortunately, some students have been taking advantage of this and going during recess or spare periods. I would appreciate the support of all students in adhering to these guidelines, otherwise, the policy will be reassessed.
I urge all students to continue to work hard and be the best possible person they can be – in all aspects of their life at Lowanna College.
Trevor Cox
Senior School Manager