Middle School Report

Hello Middle School Parents & Students.
I hope families enjoyed the term 1 break and have returned to school refreshed and ready for a strong finish to Semester 1.
Our year 9 students have completed the Morrisby Assessment program, it was pleasing how seriously the students took the assessments. During the week of the 24th of May, students will receive feedback regarding their assessment outcomes. The Morrisby Assessment is an important tool to help students recognise possible career options and what subjects will help them achieve their goals.
Year 9’s have also just completed the NAPLAN test, and we thank those involved for their participation and behaviour while sitting the test.
Our first group of Year 10 students on work experience were out in the workforce for a week and we have received some very positive feedback from employers regarding our student’s commitment and dedication while in their employ. This was very pleasing to hear, well done to all students, and thank you to the employers. The work experience program is a very important part of shaping our students' career choices, so it was great to see that many students take advantage of the program.
Our Year 10 students attended a Forum on Respectful Relationships during their study period, we hope that they were able to take away some positive insights of what this entails and may wish to have further discussions with parents at home.
Both Year 9 (English and Maths) and Year 10 (Core subjects) will be participating in end-of-semester exams, these are to be held during the week of June 7th. There are several reasons we run exams, amongst them are assessment of students learning, experience in an exam setting, and the development of high expectations in all students. These exams are compulsory; all students are required to sit them. If any students or parents have concerns, please contact the Middle School. Students will be given a full explanation of the process as well as a letter home to parents in the coming days. At the conclusion of exams, we will begin the Semester 2 program.
As winter approaches and the weather has already become cooler, could parents please ensure that your student/s please adhere to our uniform policy? if for any reason there are issues with being able to do this can you please contact the Middle School Office?
Term 2 GPA’s will be posted shortly and with that, I ask that students take the opportunity to reflect on their learning behaviours. If any parents or students require follow-up, I would ask you to contact the relevant teacher or the Middle School Office to speak with me.
In closing, I implore all students to try to achieve 100% attendance. While there are circumstances such as illnesses or family issues that are unavoidable, it impacts highly on student outcomes if they have low attendance.
Darren Mitchell
Middle School Manager