Junior School Report

It has been a busy start to Term 2 with lots of different events and activities helping to keep both students and staff alike very busy.
With Miss Hannah Keegan off on an adventure through Central Australia and the West Coast, we are fortunate to have Mr. Ashley Scott joining the team to fill the role of Year 8 coordinator. I know from speaking with him that he has really enjoyed working with, and getting to know some of our students better. He is looking forward to being able to support them over the remainder of the term.
In week 2 we held our Lowanna College Grade 6 Transition Information Night where we shared with prospective students the wonderful facilities and programs that students here at Lowanna have access to. It was well attended by approximately 120 people and a number of members of staff. Having our teachers in attendance was particularly helpful, with prospective school parents greatly enjoying the opportunity to speak one on one with the people who will be caring for and educating their children. We look forward to continuing to work with local primary schools over the remainder of the year in order to best support our incoming Year 7 students.
Students have represented themselves and the College well in a variety of interschool sports – baseball, football, volleyball, and cross country. Their commitment to the pursuit of excellence in these events is to be commended and the team spirit shown is a great skill to carry through many aspects of our students’ life even beyond sports.
Some of our Year 7 students were also fortunate enough to participate in an excursion to Latrobe Regional Gallery to see the Da Vinci Machines exhibition featuring more than 60 interactive machines created from original Da Vinci drawings of iconic inventions such as the bicycle, scuba suit, the spring-powered car, and flying machines.
Our Leadership for Sustainability representatives have been busy with a variety of activities including running a fundraising sausage sizzle at Morwell Bunnings as well as completing their Level 1 First Aid certificate.
Some of our Year 7 leaders very graciously volunteered their time to represent the College at the ANZAC Day service in Moe. Thank you to Bella Taylor and Connor Jones for taking the time to pay your respects on this important occasion.
Year 7 students had their brains pushed to their limits last week with NAPLAN testing. The national testing program in literacy and numeracy ran over three days from Tuesday 11 May to Wednesday 13 May, with results expected to be available from mid-August to mid-September. The information provided by NAPLAN is one component of a suite of data used by the School to guide us in monitoring student progress and planning for programs that appropriately cater for student needs.
Finally, approximately 100 of our students and 10 staff attended Year 7 Camp this week at Forest Edge CYC, Neerim East. Over three days, students challenged themselves across a variety of activities including high-ropes courses, low-ropes courses, solving riddles, team challenges, and bushwalking. It was pleasing to see students grapple with being uncomfortable, persevere, and be rewarded with newfound confidence as they saw what they are capable of when they don’t give up. I have heard many reports from both staff and students about many new friendships that were formed and how rewarding they found having the opportunity to learn more about each other outside of the usual classroom setting.
Finally, a reminder as the cooler weather sets in the hoodies and puffer jackets are banned at school. Students wearing these items will be asked to remove them and refusal to comply can result in being sent home. We think it is important, as a community, to stick to the expectations that we have all agreed to. If students are cold, they are able to wear a plain black or white long-sleeve top under their uniform as well as singlets or thermal tops. If assistance is required with purchasing uniform items please do not hesitate to be in touch as we can assist with this.
Nicole Taylor
Junior School Manager