College Updates

Student Attitudes to School Survey
At Lowanna College we value student voice in improving student engagement, wellbeing, and quality instruction. We are therefore participating in the annual 'Student Attitudes to School Survey' offered by the Department of Education and Training to assist Lowanna to gain an understanding of students' perceptions and experience of school. Students will be asked about their thoughts and feelings in relation to their school, their learning, peer relationships, bullying and life in general.
There are also some questions about student health and wellbeing. Understanding health and wellbeing needs is important in supporting students to learn and thrive at school. Students will be asked about resilience, family relationships, community connections, health (including mental health), access to health services and physical activity.
This year, the survey will be conducted at our school from Monday 24 May to Thursday 3 June.
In our experience, young people enjoy having the opportunity to voice their opinion. We have been conducting this survey for several years and it has been invaluable in helping us understand student views. Lowanna will use the survey results to plan programs and activities to help improve your child's schooling experience.
Your child will be invited to complete the survey online during class time using a purpose built secure online survey tool. It is important to note that we are not in any way “testing” your child. The survey will take around 20-45 minutes to complete.
The survey results will be reported back to the school in an aggregate form throughout the survey period. All survey data that is made available in reports is for groups of students only. No individual student can be identified. Data suppression rules are used for schools with low student numbers per year level.
Anzac Day
Lowanna College was represented at both Newborough and Yallourn North ANZAC Day services.
Thank you to Cooper, Georgia, Bella, Connor and Lowanna College staff for representing our school so professionally by marching, laying wreaths and public speaking.
Lest we forget.
Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge
The Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge is now open and Lowanna College is excited to be participating. The PRC application offers a range of exciting features including:
- access to a library catalogue (including book images and blurbs)
- a modern user-friendly interface
- rewarding students with badges as challenge milestones are achieved
- the option for students to mark books as a favourite, give them a star rating or complete a book review
The Challenge is open to students from Year 7 to Year 10 in recognition of the importance of reading for literacy development. It is not a competition; but a personal challenge for children to read a set number of books by September 17th, 2021.
Children from Year 7 to Year 10 are challenged to read 15 books and write a review or give a star rating for each one. To join us in our reading challenge please come into the Library to sign up and receive your login details.
All children who meet the Challenge will receive a certificate of achievement signed by the Victorian Premier and former Premiers.
For more information please see the letter to parents attached below.
Year 7 Italian Excursion to Da Vinci Machines Exhibition at Latrobe Regional Gallery
Early this term, students had the opportunity to view some of amazing designs and works of Renaissance genius Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo conceived ideas way ahead of his time, such as the concept of the helicopter and the tank. Drawings left behind by Leonardo da Vinci from nearly 500 years ago have been transformed into a stunning exhibition of models which students got to see up close.
Before visiting the Exhibition, students also enjoyed a pasta meal thanks to Mia’s Kitchen in Moe.
Here are some student reflections from the Leonardo da Vinci Exhibition:
“It was incredible how smart he was and how close his inventions were to (machines) in modern times. My favourite machine was the scorpion boat.” Aden Peluso
“The Da Vinci Machines Exhibition was pretty interesting. I had already done a few projects on him before, but I learnt so much more from this place (Latrobe Regional Gallery).” Ruby Schembri
“I found the history behind the art works very interesting and the aircraft designs were cool…….It was very enjoyable” Meg O’Reilly
“I was shocked to learn that the ‘Last Supper’ painting was painted on a wall and not on a canvas” Anon
“I was surprised to find out that Da Vinci designed one of the first (military) tanks”Anon
Indigenous Food Garden
The concept of an Indigenous food garden at Lowanna began several years ago, starting with Sandy Alexander, the previous Koorie Coordinator, and was completed today by Mugzy Mooka the current coordinator, with the assistance of Mrs Stewart. The students were very enthusiastic to dig the holes for the plants where they found a few earthworms. Some students were also brave enough to pick them up and move them to safety, so that the digging could continue.
Students were encouraged to take on the responsibility of a specific plant (and name it) and to be the one who waters it and cares for it in the future. We planted Mountain Pepper trees, Midyim berries, Illawarra plums, Finger limes, indigenous thyme, indigenous parsley and Old Man Salt bush.
We hope to link this program with the Year 11 and 12 Indigenous food cookery program and to educate our students about our Australian Indigenous food culture.
Falls Creek Snow Camp
Have you ever wanted to try skiing or snowboarding, or never been to the snow before? Or, are you itching to get back to the slopes after a disappointing 2020?
Here's your chance! Get in quickly to secure your spot for the 2021 Falls Creek Snow Camp.
This camp is perfect for all abilities and all ages from Years 7 to 11. Chat to your friends and spread the word- FALLS IS BACK!
See the poster for more information or Mr. Scott in the PE Office.
Lowanna College Headwear
With the weather cooling down, why not purchase a Lowanna College beanie to keep your head warm? Or even a bucket hat or cap? These are available for purchase from the General Office for $15 each.
Whilst these are NOT to be worn inside they are permitted (and encouraged) in the yard at recess and lunchtime.
Breakfast Club
Don't forget Breakfast Club runs on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Make sure you come and enjoy some toast and a warm milo.
Hope to see you there!
Congratulations to Drew who is undertaking Year 11 this year.
Drew recently signed into a Head Start Apprenticeship and will be undertaking Cert III Carpentry, working with local business DRS Building & Construction.
Thank you to David Sinclair for giving Drew his Head Start in the building and construction industry.
Outdoor Education
Since our last Outdoor Education update, students have completed their term 1 activities with some newly acquired skills to show off!
Our year 9s successfully completed the Bike Education program and are now busy learning about trampolining and rock climbing, setting personal goals, and reflecting on their sessions at Jump and Climb, Traralgon. They are off to Hardrock in Nunawading on Thursday 27th May for their final practical of the term.
Term 1 ended with an overnight canoeing experience for the year 10 students. After battling some very windy weather on day 1, the experience ended with blue skies as we arrived in Nowa Nowa. Term 2 has seen students learn about changing technologies in the outdoors and uses for the environment, using Mountain Biking as our major activity. They completed a very muddy ride at Erica MTB Park and have experiences to Lysterfield Park and Blores Hill coming up in the near future.
Year 11 students have been busy planning a local overnight experience to Walhalla and Mt St Gwinear. They will lead their peers at different stages throughout the 2 days to explore our local landscapes. While leading the group they will take into consideration risks involved and appropriate codes of conduct to follow. Students will link the theory learned in the classroom to their practical experience the following week in their SAC.
Finally, our year 12s had a video call presentation with the Wonthaggi Desalination Plant to discuss their environmental policies, conservation, community consultation, and how it operates.
Early Office Closure- Tuesday
Barista & Food Handling Course
On the first two days back of term 2, the students in the Café Culture classes completed a Barista and Food Handling training course. The course consisted of learning how to operate a coffee machine and how to make all different coffees in a café environment. We also learnt all the safe protocols in the kitchen.
On each day both classes did one of the courses and our class did the Barista training first. We watched a presentation on how to make coffees and then moved into the kitchen to learn how the machine works. Our instructors were Bill and Ben. Bill was our main instructor and showed us how to use the machine. He demonstrated the basic skills needed to make coffees and then taught us how to make each coffee, one by one. We then split into three groups and attempted to make the coffees ourselves. Some of us were naturals and easily got the hang of it whereas others found it more difficult. Once we finished making all the coffees, Ben taught us how to thoroughly deep clean the coffee machine. Throughout the day we completed an assignment that will then help us in getting the certificate for becoming a Barista.
On day two, our class completed the Food Handling side of the course. Our instructor was Graham who went through all the safety and hygiene procedures. Firstly, we watched a video on a company getting a surprise inspection. He then handed out an assignment to be completed during the day. We worked through this as a class with Graham explaining each question and answer. To finish off the day, we were given a test on everything we learnt throughout the course. This test had to be completed in order to complete the course and receive our certificate.
Overall, the course helped us learn a lot of new skills that we can use to get a job in the future. They were two very enjoyable days that we would like to do again someday. Thanks to this course we are now able to get work placements in food industries and expand our knowledge even more.
By Stephanie and Erin
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle
The Lowanna College Sustainability Program held a sausage sizzle at Bunnings in Morwell. We raised money to ensure that everyone in the program is able to attend the planned Level 1 First Aid course as well as the fire extinguisher training.
This sausage sizzle was extremely successful as they raised $620 to assist in the the cost of the courses.
Thank you to all the staff, parents and students who volunteered to help. They all worked well together, sharing laughter and stories throughout the day.