Maths News

Numeracy Enrichment Program (NEP)
We all know that we spent large chunks of Term 2 and 3 in 2020 at home learning remotely. During this time our Numeracy Team set up a Numeracy Enrichment Program (NEP), supporting students with their learning in Maths. During Term 4, schools across Victoria have been focused on supporting students’ mental health and wellbeing, in addition to assisting students to readjust to on-site learning. Teachers have also been focusing on assessing student learning, addressing individual learning gaps, and identifying those students who need extra support for their learning, using classroom-based observation and assessments.
We know that the remote learning experience was different for every student. While some students thrived, some students may not have engaged as fully with remote learning. For most of our students, regular high-quality teaching in 2021 will be enough to help them progress to the expected level of learning. Some students will benefit from additional intensive learning support in 2021.
Lowanna College received funding from the Department of Education and Training (DET) that has enabled us to continue our Numeracy Enrichment Program from 2020.
Meet our tutors!
What does our tutoring program look like?
In our Year 7 and 8 classrooms students are withdrawn to work with their tutor in small groups. Two groups go out at one time, leaving a small group in the classroom to work with their classroom teacher. Everyone in each class benefits from working in a small group with either their classroom teacher or a tutor. There is some withdrawal in our Year 9 and 10 classrooms, as well as in-class support by a tutor. There is also in-class support in our senior classes.
How were students selected? We looked at the data from our feeder primary schools for our Year 7 students, teacher recommendations, and how students have gone with their learning in previous years.
We are excited about continuing our Numeracy Enrichment Program from last year and supporting every student in every Maths class to achieve learning growth.
If you have any questions about the Numeracy Enrichment Program please contact either Kirsty Speirs (Maths Leader) or Fiona Milkins (Assistant Principal).
NAPLAN – Numeracy
It was impressive to see the effort that our Year 7 and 9 students put in on their NAPLAN tests last week, in particular their Numeracy test on Thursday. It is a big week for our students and we are proud of the effort they have put in. It was pleasing to see so many students with their own calculators too. Thank you!