Science News

In Science this term, students have been experimenting and extending their understanding across the college from chemistry to electricity and separation science. We wish the VCE students well as they wrap up Unit 1 and Unit 3 and complete their revision and mid-year exams. This is a great time to consolidate the learning to date and get some crucial feedback on their VCE Science subjects.
This term, the Year 10 students have been learning about chemistry and reactions, dusting off their Bunsen burner skills after covid, and modeling what happens in common reactions. We also wish them well in their Science exam which will be run in a couple of weeks.
The Year 9 students have been learning all about circuits and electricity and are about to extend that learning with a trip to Gippsland Technical School in the next two weeks. We hope to see all our Year 9 students attend the Electronics excursion. Please contact me, or your science teacher for more information.
Year 8 students have been learning about elements and compounds and it was great to hear the “popping” sounds coming from numerous classes during the “Making hydrogen” practical.
Year 7 students are learning all about substances, with a focus on the changing states of matter. They will undertake a number of experiments in the coming few weeks to see if they can separate substances in water, including filtering, centrifuging, and using precipitation reactions.
Upcoming events:
- Gippsland Technical School – Year 9 Electronic Excursions in Week 6 and 7
- Energy Trailer – we look forward to hosting Ian Southall and his Energy Trailer to discuss the sustainable use of energy resources in Week 6 in various science classes.
- VCE Chemistry and Biology workshops – in Term 3 we will be traveling to Federation University for some workshops n these subjects to supplement our learning.
- Wattle Seeds in Space program – June - NASA Director will be an online visit to discuss what is happening in space – look out for more details through compass
If students are interested in any other events, please let your science teacher know, or see me in the science office in B7.
We hope you all have a great end to Term 2 and we look forward to seeing more Science in action soon!
Mrs Lambert
Science Leader
VCE Psychology – Brain dissection and investigation
Students spent time learning the parts of the brain and digging through white and grey matter this term in Yr 11 Psychology.
Year 9 – Electrical circuits
Year 7 – States of Matter
Year 11 Chemistry – Making polymers