Melton Youth Forum

Student Leadership in action

On Friday the 30th of April, several of our Year 10 student leaders attended the Melton Council’s Youth Forum at the Catholic Regional College and discussed the health and wellbeing of the local community and broader areas of Melton. 


Our students collaborated in groups with other schools, local officials and councillors to determine problems and solutions for the areas regarding healthy eating, physical activity and mental wellbeing in our community.


There was also a raffle for the students that attended, with Charlotte and Melanie winning prizes.

Raffle winners, Charlotte and Melanie
Raffle winners, Charlotte and Melanie

It would be an understatement to say our leaders excelled in the events of the afternoon, vocalising their opinions in the areas that they are passionate about and having their say as young people in the community.


Tasman Broadway

(Year 10 Student Leader)