Interim Reports

Term 2 Interim reports will be available on the XUNO Parent Portal later this week. You will receive an SMS alert once they have become live. Students will also be able to access their own reports through their XUNO Student Portal.


Detailed instructions on how to access the reports can be found in the graphic below.

  • These reports reflect learning from the start of Term 1 Week 7 (8th March) to the end of Term 2 Week 2 (30th May). If your child had a subject or form change in this reporting period, the report will show the subject/form in which they spent the most of amount of time enrolled during the 6 weeks of the reporting period.


  • For Years 7-10, Learning Interactions are class tasks that your child has completed as an indication of their engagement, learning progress and growth in each subject. A subject that normally has 6 periods a week would expect 2-3 learning interactions completed per week. A subject that normally has 3 periods a week would expect 1-2 learning interactions completed per week.


  • Attendance is counted as the number of classes for which your child was physically present out of the number of classes that were scheduled for that subject. As Homework Club and WAR no longer credit attendance, this number reflects the amount of time your child spent in the classroom with vital access to their teacher and class resources.  Students can make up the learning that they have missed by conferencing with their teachers and attending Homework Club or WAR to get support with their Learning Interactions and coursework.


  • For Years 7-10, Learning Progress provides an indication of whether your child is demonstrating learning growth, regardless of the level from which they are starting. For VCE and VCAL students, Learning Progress provides an indication of whether your child is making progress towards the learning outcomes for the relevant unit (VCAL), or making progress towards satisfactorily meeting the relevant outcome(s) (VCE).

A teacher judgement of Not Yet Demonstrated indicates that your child may need additional parent and teacher communication and collaboration to support your child’s learning.


If you have any issues viewing the reports on XUNO once they are released, please contact the Assessment and Reporting Coordinator, Jacinta Venuto at, or contact the school office to leave a message.