Careers and Pathways

21 JUNE – 25 JUNE 2021
Work Experience is compulsory for all Year 10 students at Thornbury High School.
What is Work Experience?
Work Experience is the short-term placement of secondary school students, with employers, to provide insights into the industry and the workplace in which they are located. It provides students with the valuable opportunity to:
- develop employability skills
- explore possible career options
- understand employer expectations
- increase their self-understanding, maturity, independence and self-confidence
Students are placed with employers primarily to observe and learn — not to undertake activities which require extensive training or expertise.
Students are expected to find their own Work Experience placement and must complete the Work Experience Arrangement Form. The Work Experience Arrangement Form is an important legal document that is essentially a contract between the student, the employer and Thornbury High School. If considering a placement that involves contact with animals, students must contact the Careers Office before arranging their placement.
Work Experience Checklist
1. Choose an area of interest
2. Find Employers/Research Organisations
3. Contact Employers
4. Complete the Work Experience Arrangement Form
5. Submit the Work Experience Arrangement Form
6. Complete required Safe@Work modules
7. Final Preparation and Information
8. Work Experience Week
9. Reflection Exercise early in Term 3
Many Tertiary Institutions are now offering campus tours. Check individual websites for details and to make a booking. School holidays are a great time to visit.
For more information contact:
David Smith - MIPS Coordinator
Maria Ioannidis - VET and VCAL Coordinator
Jill Krew - Career Practitioner
Check out the THS careers website for more news and events at