
Student Wellbeing Coordinator (SWC) - Peggy Oberthier
School Nurse - Jess Manzie
Mental Health Practitioners - Rachel Krann & Stephanie Ruberto (starting term 2)
Possible referral pathways:
Casual Counselling Peggy Oberthier
Peggy can see a range of students for mild to moderate issues. With a Masters in Student Wellbeing , Peggy can help students with processing school based stress and managing relationships. Peggy can also assist students who have external psychologists if they are feeling overwhelmed while at school. Peggy can communicate with the external psychologist with consent from the young person and or guardians.
THS Mental Health Practitioner
This referral pathway is for short term counselling for mild to moderate issues. The clinician will be able to conduct a risk assessment and assist with referrals to external providers if further support is required.
External Counsellor/ Psychologist-private or through Headspace/ Your Community Health
The student can obtain a Mental Health Care Plan through their GP and seek appointments externally. The student is eligible for up to 20 Medicare funded sessions per calendar year. There may be a gap fee for some private practitioners. The service is free at Headspace Collingwood (currently a 3 months waiting period) and at your Community Health.
We encourage all families to work with the school if there are external providers helping the student with school- based issues. Parents and guardians are also encouraged to provide documentation from their psychologist/social worker/OT with any relevant information that may assist teachers to understand their behaviours in class or requirements for their workload or stress management. This could be a safety plan, warning signs/triggers and/or strategies to cope when anxious, angry, sad or overwhelmed. This information is always treated with confidentiality and care. This is extremely useful to help the student feel supported in a consistent manner
In some cases the student may present with acute mental health issues that require the services of a tertiary hospital.
Programs for 2021
- This term the student wellbeing team is offering a psycho-educational program on Wednesday afternoons aimed the year 11 and 12 students. Sessions on goal setting, focusing on strengths and ways to promote resilience are covered.
- Further programs for Senior Students will be offered throughout the year including: using mindfulness and emotional freedom techniques to combat stress.
- Rainbow Lounge runs every Thursday at lunch facilitated by Jess Manzie to support our LGBTQI+ students.
If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions please do not hesitate to contact the Wellbeing Team on 9458 6174.