Principal's Report

Parent-teacher interviews
We made a considered decision to hold our first whole-school parent-teacher interview day in person this year, something we missed in 2020. The attendance was as high as it has ever been and I trust the opportunity to touch base on student progress in term one was a constructive experience for all.
Strawbale Picinic
This annual event was the first event we had to cancel in 2020 so it was great to have it back in 2021 with the weather gods smiling. You can see a full account of the evening in this newsletter, but I just wanted to once again thank and congratulate all those involved on stage and behind the scenes, as well as all the families who attended.
Year 11 camp
The recent Year 11 Camp was a new destination and program, kept within Victoria this year so we could be more certain in our planning. As you’ll read further on, in the full report on this camp, it was a very engaging and rewarding experience for all involved. My thanks to the Senior School team and the staff who attended, for their work in making this possible.
I hope all students have a good break and for our senior students, make sure you maintain a balance of having a well-deserved rest and keeping on top of the work that will have been set for you.
Michael Keenan