
In term 2 Ballarat High School will be teaming up with the Stymie organisation. Stymie set up an online reporting system that allows students to make notifications.


We will launch this new partnership on Tuesday 20th Apriland the system will become live on that day. All students will attend year level presentations on this day where Stymie staff will outline what their system offers and how it works.


The key aspect of the partnership is giving students an opportunity to have a voice to support their peers and themselves while building a culture at Ballarat High School of being an Upstander – to take action when we know something is not right. 


Information below is provided by Stymie to provide further insight into what they do: 


Getting Help for Yourself and Others at Your School encourages you to ask for help for yourself or your peers, by making anonymous notifications through their site.


You can also request to see a counsellor.


Notifications can be about self-harm or suicidal thoughts, illegal activity, family violence, harassment or any other kind of harm happening to you or your peers. The notifications can also include screen shots as evidence of harm happening on social media. 


These notifications are automatically sent to the appropriate adult You Can Put Who Is Receiving Them If You Want To here at Your School. The first confidential conversation we have, will be with the student who is experiencing harm - they will know they are not alone. 


Your School is committed to supporting all of you in being able to make positive choices about dealing with harm in our community. Please use Stymie responsibly and thoughtfully and know that you can make a difference.




(Please note BHS site is not switched on until Tuesday 20th April.)


  1. Go to
  2. Make a detailed notification, with at least 50 characters of information in the ‘what happened’ box. You can also include a screen shot of evidence of online harm.
  3. Click ‘send’.