From the Principal

Mr Warwick Price

Finally, we are all back at school again and navigating our way through the crossover between education and health management. The number of students with serious covid symptoms seems to have been limited from reports thus far and we have also had minor impact with staffing giving what could have been. 

We have distributed the Rapid Antigen Tests as they have arrived and shown students how to use them correctly whilst at home. Students have continued to wear masks to ensure they are protecting themselves and family members as we move towards greater vaccination numbers. 

Year 7 and Year 12 commenced a day earlier than the rest of the student body to allow them to settle and be organised with a little less hustle and bustle which seemed to have again worked well. 

The Year 7 Hub is now in full swing with a greater number of staff providing support for students in a designated area with a personalised learning program. So far so ….amazing!! 


The camp was a hit and students came back thoroughly entertained, better acquainted but perhaps more tired than anyone expected. 

Year 12 students have also settled into the new role as student leaders and are truly setting the example for all other students to follow. The swimming sports was just one example where they showed great participation and dressed to impress. Well done to all teams for their efforts on the day. The weather was great, and the sun burn was minimal. 

The new school buildings are still on schedule to finish at the end of this term and we expect to be moving during the last week of term. There will be more to follow but some online learning may be required as we complete this shift ready for Term 2. 

In terms of our teaching and learning, there has been strong engagement by all students across the college as we transform learning with integration aides working with small groups of students and tutors supporting students in a range of learning areas. 

Please encourage your student to be prepared and ready for all classes whether they be physical education, Math or Metalwork. There are specific stationery and protective items that are necessary for specific subjects so please be organised. 

All of our Year 10 students have now commenced their Vocational Training Certificates which has been a fantastic initiative and we look forward to showcasing these programs throughout the year. 


Finally, whilst we cannot yet meet in large groups, the announcement today from the State Government removes many of the restrictions that have made regular programming difficult. The year is certainly going in the right direction and that is wonderful news. 


We look forward to having parents on site for the Year 7 Hub information opening and then the grand opening of the new school next term. Please do not hesitate to call at any time as we need your support to ensure our students develop to their potential. 


Warwick Price
