Principal’s Message

Mr Nick Baird

Dear Parents and Carers,

Last week we received the results of our 2021 Satisfaction Surveys for staff, students and parents. Thank you for your responses - we once again had a very high percentage of families contributing your thoughts for our surveys. As mentioned previously, the survey results are a significant factor in developing Annual Improvement Plans and in helping us develop long term strategic planning.  Overall, our survey responses were extremely positive. Our scores in both the parent and staff surveys indicated a very high level of satisfaction, with the overall themes of safety, small school environment and excellent teaching and learning very prominent in many comments. 

In terms of areas for us to work on, there was a common theme in all three surveys in regards to the school's facilities. We have been working closely with personnel from the CSO to develop a plan for the upgrade of our learning facilities which has been supported by visits from Catholic Schools NSW recently to help us plan for future works. I would like to invite as many parents as possible to attend our PTF Meeting on Monday December 6  at 3.00pm to discuss thoughts in regards to building and refurbishment works so that we can establish a set of works for our school as a priority over the short, medium and long term. 


I mentioned the very impressive results from the 2021 PAT Assessments last week. In today's newsletter, you will find a short summary of our amazing results in PAT, NAPLAN and PM Benchmarking in 2021. This data shows that Sacred Heart is well and truly out-performing bigger schools in our region when it comes to academic achievement and growth. I am very proud of all our students and staff for these brilliant results. 


The 2022 transition program is being launched this Wednesday for students beginning Kindergarten in 2023. The program will look a little different next year, however we are still committed to ensuring that our students will be more than ready for the rigors of school life at the end of the program. The Transition sessions will be conducted by Mrs Baird in 2022, who has extensive experience teaching students in Infants and Early Years Schooling. Mrs Baird is an expert in early literacy development (she is currently completing a PhD in Oral Language development of young people) and has coordinated very successful transition programs in the past. The program will commence in Week 1 of Term 2 next year, with 25 sessions through until Week 5 of Term 4. Please note, sessions will be held on a 


Thursday in 2022. There will be an opportunity for parents to view the school and the infants literacy block in Term 1 next year with an information session to follow. Enrolment interviews will be held in Term 2 with all students in transition needing to be fully enrolled by the start of Term 3. Nomination Forms and information will be distributed to Preschool and Nurruby on Wednesday, however please do not hesitate to contact the office if you have any questions about the transition program or to obtain an information package.


Families were sent home a letter a few weeks ago stating that we would conclude ADIG Student Banking at the end of the year, however due to unforseen circumstances we will be concluding this today. We apologise for any inconvenience.


A friendly reminder that Term 4 School Fees are now overdue. Please make payment of these fees so that we can finalise our books for the 2021 year. As always, if you are having difficulty with payment, please contact either myself or Robyn in the Office.

Have a great week!
