
Dear Parents,


The health, wellbeing and safety of your children are of paramount importance to all of us at St Joseph’s.


I am currently auditing the Health Treatment and Medication status of our students who have been reported via OPEROO to have Anaphylaxis, Asthma and/or Allergies.


If your child(ren) has any of these medical diagnoses and/or another medical diagnosis that we may need to treat at school, we require:

  • A Current Action Plan, signed by a Health Professional within the last 12 months, with a recent photograph of your child attached
  • Labelled medications relevant to the Action Plan

Unfortunately, although some children have been reported to have medical conditions, there are no uploaded Action Plans to guide us or Medications to administer under this guidance.


If your child(ren) has a Medical Condition/medications, please ensure ASAP that you have provided all of the information to us so that we can uphold our duty of care.


As we have been subjected to unusual weather lately, I have included information about Thunderstorm Asthma; as well as blank copies of the Anaphylaxis, Asthma and Allergy Action Plans.


Stay safe everyone!


Kind regards,
