Reflection for Sunday 21st November

The end result

Early on in my priesthood I visited a patient in hospital who was dying. I was only just recently ordained, and it is the first and only time where I have visited someone in hospital where we have had a conversation before they suddenly died in my presence. Apart from the initial shock what struck me most was that this person was at peace. The reason was that they had faith and believed that this world was not all that there is. 


In the Gospel we hear Jesus reply to Pilate’s questioning,’ Mine is not a kingdom of this world…’ The kings and rulers in the time of Jesus lived in grand palaces and were very wealthy. They had the best of everything, and everyone served them. In contrast Jesus’ kingship was one that lived in solidarity with all of humanity. He came not to be served but to serve. 

The reply that Jesus gave Pilate communicated that he was not made for this world. There is something greater. There is something more to look forward to. The kingdom that Jesus spoke about is one that is everlasting. It is a kingdom of joy. 


Our First Reading from the Book of Daniel speaks about the great king that is to come. How do we live our lives while we wait? Again, we are invited to listen to the reasons why Jesus became part of our world and that was ‘to bear witness to the truth.’ Christ did not kill for the truth. He died for it. He won not by shedding the blood of others but by shedding his own blood. Jesus teaches us that victory is won not by force but by gentleness and invitation. 

Do our lives bear witness to a belief that there is something more than what this world has to offer? 


Fr. Alan