2019 Yr. 11 Physics Evening

The 2019 physics evening was an event organised by the year 11 physics teachers Dr McKinnon, and Mrs. Jain and held on October 28th. The evening consisted of students displaying a poster of their findings of an original experiment, as well as a research project and model of a topic from the VCAA study design. The parents were free to explore the library, engaging with students about their research, listening to their presentations, and observing their posters. The topics covered ranged from the life cycle of stars, to particle accelerators, showcasing the range of interests that the students had, and allowing them to explore what they found most interesting, ensuring a higher quality of work. The feedback from staff and parents was overwhelmingly positive as everyone was able to learn from the students, making the evening educational, as well as enjoyable.
Connor Senn-Sanger - Year 11