Women in STEM

On Wednesday 4th December, we held Women in STEM Day at Kew High School. For this unique Kew High School event, a group of our year 7 to 9 female students hosted female students from our feeder primary schools. Excellent and inspiring talks were given by ground-breaking botanist, Dr. Tien Hunyh, medical implant designer and biomedical engineer, Dr. Kate Fox, and Kath Metzger, a charge radiation therapist and mother of Kew High School student Talya Callahan.
The students enjoyed a full day after the talks, participating in a range of STEM challenges. Students coded robots which could safely cross roads, they designed, budgeted and built miniature houseboats, and then designed and cut their own wooden keytag using the laser cutter. Many more STEM events will be running throughout 2020, and student participation will be sought.