Health and Physical Education

Kew High School Physical Education
Year 8: Dance/Movement
As part of the Year 8 PE curriculum, the students focused on a unit of dance/movement this term. The students explored how their bodies moved in space, in time with some music. They developed their own routines, or adapted a routine from another source. All PE teachers were very impressed with the routines! To extend our students further, we were grateful to have the services of two dance teachers, Venessa and Andrea from Beat Dance School to come in and run a dance class for those students who chose dance for Year 8 Sport Ed. Here, the students learnt a dance routine and performed this in front of their peers.
Year 9 Tennis and year 7 Swimming
The Kew High School Health and Physical Education department is grateful for the use of community facilities in the Banyule and Boroondara area, which continue to support, challenge and extend our student’s learning. Our Year 9 PE students were active members of their community this term, engaging in Tennis lessons at Eaglemont Tennis Club to further develop their knowledge and application of different types of strokes / shots and when to execute these in order to challenge an opponent. Our Year 7 students engaged in swimming and water safety sessions at Boroondara Sports and Aquatic Centre where they learnt valuable water safety techniques in and around the water, in preparation for a hot Australian summer ahead.
Our students demonstrated respect whilst using these community based facilities and the Kew High School Health and Physical Education department once again thanks our community partners for supporting and engaging our students this term.
Catherine GAYFER